Funny that we buried so many comrades but never learned how to say goodbye properly.


"Ahhhh, Leeeevi!"

Levi was addicted to his name spilling from her lips like this, throaty, fervid, getting him right in the groin like no aphrodisiac could. It was utterly pathetic how often he climbed her, as if a bodily union could change the fact that they needed to part very soon. When he was buried deeply inside of her, moving to the rhythm of passion, he was able to forget ever so briefly that he was an idiot with a death wish, an idiot who put the world before his own life and desires.

His duty.

It was also his duty to have as much sex with Hanji as humanly possible before they needed to leave. A good thing that his dick was of the same opinion and that apparently, he wasn't only humanity's strongest soldier but also possessed humanity's strongest pecker.

Ah, but when he let his brain kick in, he knew that it was only a diversion. That what he truly craved was not sex. It was the closeness. It was the feel of Hanji's skin against his, her warmth seeping into his bones. Just... being with her, holding her, stroking her hair.

It made him happy.

What a gift.

How stupid not to realize sooner. How stupid to try and make up for it by gluing himself on top and inside of her now.

Levi loved her like he had never loved before. But he couldn't tell her. Loving her was selfish and did not matter. He would leave this world, she would stay. What difference did love make?


Marley, Liberio. The Year 854

The time has come, and my heart is heavy with a mixture of pride, fear, and an overwhelming sense of loss. Levi is about to embark on his last mission. He's always been the embodiment of strength and resilience, but now, he carries a burden that even he can't fully grasp.

We've been through so much together. Our friendship has been a constant source of strength, and his presence has been an anchor for me amidst the chaos of our world. What will I do without him? There have been countless times when I wished I could find the words to tell him how much he means to me. But now, the words elude me, and all that remains is the unspoken love and respect that we share.

It has to be enough.

Levi is stepping into the unknown, to seal the Paths forever, and it's a journey I can't follow.

I'll stand by, keeping the hope alive, even though I know the stars in the sky can't change his fate. Levi has always been a symbol of unwavering courage, and now, it's my turn to carry that torch of courage in his memory.

Even if I will not remember him.


The three of them walked a distance away from the city. A precaution. Everything was different. And yet... in the end, it is the same.

... White sand covers the ground, twinkling like a gazillion tiny stars, the sky is painted with trails of wavering light and it feels like home. It is Ymir's garden, the place where everything begins and everything ends. It is their heaven. A sense of peace comes over him. Everything will be alright.

He feels at peace for a very brief moment only though. The Founder is approaching, Levi can feel his forceful presence getting stronger behind the dunes. Maybe Ymir is with him because Levi can pick up two sets of footsteps. No, it's not Ymir. It is Eren. With Mikasa.

This is My Last War (Attack on Titan // LeviHan) - Part 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin