The Other Side of the Ocean, Part 1

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I'm excited to deliver on my promise to write part 3 which will include - I swear!!! - a happy ending for Levi and Hanji. You can read it without having read Part 1 and 2 though some of the OCs and some of the previous plot might be mentioned. If you get confused, ask me in the comments, I'll be happy to explain. I hope I don't get confused myself about some of the open plot points but if I do, please mention it in the comments too :))))


He hated everything about this town.

The screeching, constantly shitting birds, the stench of rotting fish that made him gag, the early morning fog from the river that was so thick you couldn't see your own shoes. He hated the posh swanky buildings uptown, the fumes from the smokestacks that made your eyes water, the crooked, sickly trees and the lumpy sad flowers in their neat flower beds into which dogs on leashes were brought to poop. He hated to wear the uncomfortable clothes that were in fashion here and he hated the food: It was too heavy, it gave him a stomach ache and constant constipation. The beer? Tasted like water with some piss in it. And the so-called technology these people were so damn proud of? Loud, dangerous, and mostly useless. Who needed a thing called "car" if one had perfectly fine horses?

Yes, he hated everything. And nobody had told him that one could miss one's home with a weird, hollow ache in the chest that grew by the day... a feeling he hated the most. After staying up all night for business, he was irritable and jumpy this morning, frankly feeling like he had reached a limit he hadn't known he had.

"Springer, did you finally manage to lose your last brain cell?" Levi snapped at Connie, who ducked his shorn head and looked at him with frightened eyes.

"But I thought..."

"No, that's what you didn't do," Levi cut him off, taking a couple of deep breaths, clenching and unclenching his fists. "You just acted. And got us into so much fucking trouble, you idiot!"

Connie looked at the stacks of wooden boxes piled up on the wharf behind him, his head cocked slightly to the side. He still didn't get it.

"This. Is. Not. Our. Cargo," Levi explained extra slowly, stabbing his finger at the green label that marked the crates as the property of the Bindella brothers.

Connie bent down to study the labels from up close, shutting first one eye then the other as he squinted at them. "I don't see it," he marveled. "You're saying this isn't ours?"

Somehow, Levi managed not to kick him into the water. It was likely that Connie couldn't swim and it would be a big hassle to pull him out before he drowned - because Levi couldn't swim either. Also, the stench of things rotting in the water was extra strong this week. Getting that out of Connie's clothes and hair would be way too gross.

"This is green. Ours are red," Levi managed to still sound patient even though his blood was boiling. "Besides, theirs is showing a bulldog. Ours is showing a panther."

"Huh?" Connie scratched his head. "I could have sworn..."

"Captain!" Levi swiveled around at the shout, watching Jean take form as he jogged towards them through the fog. He was ready for work, wearing the loose pants and linen shirt of a dock worker, a red bandana around his head. They were expecting a shipment in about an hour and Levi had requested Jean to oversee the unloading. They had reason to suspect that one or several of the hired hands were stealing from them. It had to stop.

"Captain, someone's here to see you," Kirschtein panted, wiping a hand over his moist face and scratching at that ridiculous fluff he let grow along his jaw.

The Bindella Brothers moved fast, huh. Smelled like a setup, actually.

"Can you explain the difference between our labels and the Brothers' labels to

This is My Last War (Attack on Titan // LeviHan) - Part 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora