Untitled Part 15

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*Y'all need to srsly comment because I feel like nobody is actually reading it and it kind of ruins my motivation to write, be sure to give me requests and suggestions for chapters as well as I have a constant writers block always*


I wake up in a white, bright room. It's so bare and I feel so lost, just like the night I got kidnapped. It feels happier and cleaner though, and I'm alive. 

Wait- I'm alive?

"Alive!" I shout hoarsely, my voice cracking in the middle.  "I'm alive, I won! We- Cato?" 

Cato? Is Cato here? I couldn't beat him in the arena, or ever, he would always win against me after all them years of training. I hope he's okay, am I dead, he must be alive, how would he have died? 

I rip the thin sheets off of my body and stand up suddenly, having to take a second to balance myself out before marching towards the door on the opposite side of the room. Reaching for the handle, scared and trapped, I notice something. The door is locked. 

I have no possible way of getting out of this secluded room, no way. Unless I shout.

"AAAH! GET ME OUT, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT YOU IDIOTS!" I yell, hoping there are corridors or workers in this place. 

I assume that if I won, I must be in a hospital  or helicopter of some sort, or I could be dreaming, but it feels too real to be that.

 Despite my attempts to kick down the door, unlock the door and scream for someone to hear me, after what feels like years, nothing happens. I walk sadly back over to the low bed, and sit on the edge, my left foot tapping on the smooth, spotless ground.  A shaky sigh leaves my lips and I put my head in my hands, gripping onto my messy hair and pulling on it in stress. Tepid tears trickle tediously down my face as all hope leaves me. I don't know where I am, I don't know what happened and I don't know how to get out.


I look up in shock, only to see Cato. 

"OH MY GOD, CATO!" I shout back.

I immediately get up and run over to him.

"Hey, bro, wha- what? Your alive? But I'm alive? Am I dead?" I blurt out in confusion, my heart beating faster than ever.

"We're alive, both of us, we're on a helicopter being taken back to the Capitol. You've been out for goddamn day, girl" Cato replied, still holding on to the handle of the door.

"Well, let's get out of here!" I exclaim

"Sure thing," 

We exit my room and head down a long, blank hallway, Cato leading the way in front of me. 

I hear talking coming from a distant room, familiar talking, I think it may be Enobaria's voice. 

"What's up, Ives?" Brutus asks, looking up at me from his space on the red couch, me still standing behind Cato in my white hospital gown.

"Why would you call me that?" I complain as me and Cato walk over to the couch.

We take a seat and I awkwardly bounce my knee up and down.

"So, we both won?" I question

"Sponsors didn't want to see either of you die, you may not have done much but you were very popular. They thought you, Cato, were extremely good-looking and they liked Ivy's personality and how she was different from the usual District 2 tribute," Enobaria explains, her awesome fangs showing as she talks.

"They got the good-looking part right" Cato comments

"Narcissistic, much?" I state, lightly laughing at Cato's comment.

These guys aren't too bad.


"Next stop, the Capitol" An artificial voice announces through multiple speakers.

"You think Clove remembers me?" I inquire 

"You think she wouldn't?" Cato responds

I lay on my bed in silence,  nervous to exit the doors in a few minutes. 

"What if she hates me, what if she thinks I'm pathetic?" I add

"Calm yourself, girl!" 

I force myself up and go to the mirror in the dining room. Damn this helicopter is massive as hell. I look into the mirror and touch up my hair, making sure I look nice for when I step out, knowing I'll get millions of photographs taken of me. 

I head back over to Cato just in time for the doors opening, and me and Cato step out of the train on to the platform proudly. We cross over the street and make our way into a fancy apartment complex that is painted a bright orange colour, cameramen and our mentors following us. 

Me and Cato step into the building and are met by a very professional looking receptionist lady, although when she sees us all she does is scurry away.

"How very helpful," Cato comments

"More helpful than you," I retort in a friendly way

"Damn, girl"

"Will you stop calling me that?" I moan

"Nah," Cato honestly replies, a grin on his handsome face.

Hope (Clove Kentwell x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now