"Why?" She asked confused.

"For daycare, remember?" Carina said, she had briefly mentioned it to little Maya, who at the time seemed excited to meet and make new friends, and she and big Maya have agreed that today was a good day to start daycare since it is Maya's day off and both Amelia and Carina need to work and if something happens they had agreed with Andy and Vic to pick up Maya and babysit her.

"I don wanna" Maya said causing Carina to frown a little bit.

"Why Bambina, don't you want to meet new people and make new friends?"

"Yeah I wanna but I don wanna be lone, I always hab ma Mama, Mama make me feel safe, I don wan to be not safe" she admitted, tears welling up, in her eyes "I don wanna go pwease don make me go"

After hearing Maya's confession, and seeing her on the verge of tears Carina considered canceling the whole thing and taking the day off to sit with her baby and smother her with cuddles and reassure her that she will always be safe, but she knows that she can't do that.

She took a deep breath to ground herself "Bambina listen to me" she said hooking up her finger underneath the blondes chin and forcing her to look up at her "You are going to be safe I promise no one is going to hurt you, you will just go and play and make lots and lots of friends because everyone is going to love you Bambina, and I'll come and check on you and play with you whenever I can, and after that we will come home, fill your little tummy with milk and Mama will give her Bambina all the cuddles she wants va bene?" She said, and Maya gave her a hesitant nod "and if anything happened, or you don't want to Andy and Vic can come and get you" she said trying to reassure the little.

"Otay I go but I wan one fing" Maya said after a while.

"What is it Bambina?"

"I wanna have Mama's station hoodie, I be safe"

"Just that my hoodie" Carina said with a smile wiping the rest of her tears, it was technically Maya's hoodie that she claimed for herself since they started dating and Maya never got it back "If you want the moon, I'll give it to you" she added giving her a light kiss "Can you go and choose the toys you want to take with you?"

"I tan take Bwaze an Rexy an Jeff?" She asked excitedly.

"You can take just one"

"Why?" the little huffed.

"So there will be enough space for your other toys" she said, and watched Maya huff again and jump off the counter and walk to the nursery.

While Maya picked out her toys, Carina made her morning coffee and checked her emails then made her way to the nursery, after taking the hoodie from their closet.

She walked onto the most adorable scene she could ever see. Maya was sitting with her stuffed animals in front of her looking at them with a frown and her backpack next to her filled with toys "Why are you frowning Bambina?" She asked taking out the diaper bag and starting to prepare it.

"I need to pick one, bu dey be sad an mad at Maya, If I pick one" she ground throwing herself back "Mama elp"

"Which one do you like the most?" Carina asked folding Maya's onesie.

The little gasped and sat up "Mama don say dat I lub dem all da same" she scolded and looked back at her stuffed animals "Don listen to Mama, I lub you all so so much" reassuring her stuffed animals that she loved them all the same, which Carina thought it was the cutest thing ever.

After finishing packing up the diaper bag she picked Maya up against her protest and laid her down on the changing table, she changed her diaper and put her in sweatpants and the station hoodie.

"Smells waike Mama" the blonde said happily.

"Hmmm, what does Mama smell like?" Carina asked curiously.

Maya took a deep breath and after letting it out she answered with a smile "Mama smells waike home a safe an pwetty flowews" She explained "Mama smell makes me weally happy" she added.

"And you Bambina make me really happy" She said smiling back at her baby.

Carina left Maya to make her hard decision and went to change her clothes, she quickly changed into black trousers and a green blouse and before she went to check on Maya.

She walked back to the nursery and saw Maya still hadn't chosen a stuffed animal "You Bambina are the most indecisive person I've ever known" Carina said crouching next to the little blonde.

"You cisive" she grumbled.

"We need to go Bambina" Carina reminded her kissing the top of her head.

Maya bit on her bottom lip and extended her hand and took Jeff, so now she would have something that reminded her of Mama and something to remind her of her auntie Amelia.

She gathered the rest of the stuffed animals and laid them down in her crib and covered them with a blanket "Lub you Bambinos I be back soon" Maya whispered and made her way to her Mama after picking Jeff.

On the way to the hospital Maya was her normal self talking to her Mama and Jeff about what happened in the cartoon she's been watching, and what her plans are to fix things between two of her dolls that were fighting each other, but she quieted down when she noticed that they were in the parking lot of the hospital.

Carina stepped out of the car and circled to open the door to Maya "Hi Bambina, why didn't you try to run away" she asked unbuckling the little from her car seat.

Even though after installing the car seat, Maya would try and unbuckle herself like she used to do but it was so much harder but still the little blonde didn't give up and each time she went out with her mama she would try and unbuckle herself "you say stay an wait fo Mama so Maya stay an wait fo Mama" Maya said with a little smile trying to mask her nervousness.

"Good girl Bambina" Carina praised, taking the bags next to Maya and extending her hand for the little to hold, but she had another idea.

Maya hold up her arms up "Up pwease" she said with a little voice, sucking on her blue pacifier and sporting on her best puppy dog eyes, and making grabby hands how could she say no?

"Come here my piccolina" Carina said to the little who immediately wrapped her arms and hands around her Mama.

Once they were close to the daycare center they spotted Jo "Ciao Jo" Carina greeted.

"Hi Carina" she responded and added in a playful tone "and what do we have here?"

"Wanna say hi Bambina?"

Maya lifted her head and smiled a little upon seeing the familiar face "Hewo"

"Hello little one are you excited to start daycare?" Jo asked and Maya tucked her head back to its place.

"No I be lone" she mumbled.

"Luna will be there. You can play with her?" then she came closer, and whispered enough for Carina to hear "When I will come and check up on you and Luna, I'll bring you a lollipop, Would you like that?" Maya lifted her head, smiling, and nodded "Okay I will go now see you later" She said with a wink.

Carina walked to the door and was welcomed by a daycare worker "Hi, I am here to check in Maya Deluca-Bishop"

To be continued...


What do you think will happen at the daycare? Would Maya be able to make new friends?

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