Chapter 9 - disbelief

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"Kids!?" Rogers tried to make us answer his question, but we were both in shock.

How could such a sweet girl, who was also in pain, do something like this? I get it, she was Kim's girlfriend and she found out he had an affair with Mike, but threatening someone's life? This wasn't alright. I didn't know what to think about her anymore. Was it possible that she was the one who killed Kim as well? Such a dark thought. No, no! I won't accuse her, being accused sucks. I hate this, this feeling, this moment. Everything is too scary.

"Do you know her?" He repeated.
"Yeah, we do..." I murmured.
"She was Kim's girlfriend!" Luka adds.
"Yeah, that's right!" Rogers replies. "I think the cops might've gotten to her by now! Thanks again for help!"

The cops!? So they were arresting Ondine. I had to go to her.
"Rogers wait! We're coming with you!" I yelled.
"Are we?" Luka whispered.
"Yeah! I need to talk to Ondine to find out what this all madness is about!"
"Fine Chloe!" Rogers said, but I know he doesn't really care if we're coming or not.

"Chlo, are you sure we should go?" Luka asked, looking almost worried.
I mean, I get it, as one principal suspect showing up at the police section wouldn't be the best thing, but I had to see Ondine. There are chances that someone framed her. Or are they?

"Yeah, Luka! I need to see her!"
"Fine! C'mon!" Luka replied and he side hugged me.

We walked with Rogers to the station and we got it. I've been here before. In the morning when everything started; when the cops showed up at my door. It looked the same and I hated to be here.

"Can we go see Ondine?" I ask Rogers.
"They might interrogate her now!"
"Alright! Let's go!"
"But Chloe..."

I left before Rogers could've protested. I knew where that room was, they brought me there too.

I saw Ondine standing on the chair, from the other side of the glass wall and she was crying. I couldn't hear what the cop was saying to her, but he seemed like he was yelling. What kind of moron could someone be? Yelling at a girl who is crying? Not even I was doing this in my "mean girl" days.

Rogers and Luka were behind me.
"Why is he yelling at her?" I ask.
"He's doing his job."
"His job, Rogers?!" I hissed. "Yelling at a crying person isn't his 'job'!! And if I call daddy and tell him how this man treats his suspects, then he'll also lose the only job he has!"

"Daddy defense" again! I know, but this time I was defeating Ondine, because it still wasn't a total proof that she did it.

The cop from inside somehow looked towards us and fixed his eyes on me. I could've read on his lips "I'll be right back" as he ran out of Ondine's interrogation room. He came to us.

"Well, well! Why are these 2 here? Rogers!" He talked to Rogers, but was looking at us.
"They wanted to come! They know the girl." Rogers said, softly.
But the other man yelled like crazy.
"Of course they do!! I bet they comploted!"

I thought I'll break a wall out of anger. And seeing Luka, I realized that he would've as well. He spoke first.
"Really officer!? How the heck could we complote!? What kind of policeman are you if you accuse people without any evidence?"
He was mad, really mad.
"Look boy," he fixed his eyes on Luka. "I have no idea why you wanted to be involved, but you are! Congrats!" He said ironically, then switched the tone back to serious. "But don't you think that it is too big of a coincidence here? Miss Bourgeois is accused, then you suddenly appear, claiming to be her boyfriend, this girl right here is accused then you 2 suddenly know her! Something smells fishy!"
"Yeah, your ideas!" Luka burst out.

The cop immediately gave him a death stare and I gasped. Rogers was silent. Luka got really mad, but still it wasn't ok that he yelled at this man.
"I think you 2 should get out of my station before I interrogate you too!" He said, extremely angry.

I took Luka by the arm before he could say something else.
"We'll go!" I say to the officer and turn around.

Luka seemed bothered by the entire situation. The look in his eyes truly worried me because I feared he would say other things that won't make us any favor.
"Chlo!" Luka whispered to me; on a demanding tone.
"Shht!" I've covered his mouth with my hand. "Walk!" I indicate him.

We both get outside and Luka starts to speak.
"Chlo, really? These people are impossible! The way they behave, are they even real cops!?"
"Yeah, they are real cops!" I answer a little ironic, then I add: "But we have to be careful lo-" and I stopped myself before saying the 'l' word and I continued with a random thing stuttering. "Lo-lots of things and reasons!! Yeah, we should be quiet because the police can't know that we look forward to the case!"
Luka looked pretty confused, then tried to hide his smirk.

Did he realize?

After that he sights, looks down then back in my eyes.
"I promise we'll solve it out if the police isn't able!"
He's starring at me, his blue eyes are shimmering in the lovely sunlight and he grabs both of my hands. I'm lost in his vision, but then I remember something.

"Sabrina!" I gasp out loud. "We have to get to Sabrina! Your plan, remember?" I was agitated, I remembered about Luka's plan, about the only other person who knows I haven't done it.

"Yeah, of course I remember!" Luka says, trying to calm me down.
"But," he adds and our gazes lock together. "Shouldn't we continue what we started?"

I blush.


Luka had a smirk on his face. I avoided his eye contact after.
"Maybe some other time!"
I replied, a bit shy, looking down.

"Oh..." he was visibly disappointed. So was I, but to be honest I was a little afraid. I immediately thought of the kiss, but then I remembered that he wanted me to play piano; or at least try to. So I wasn't sure what he wanted to 'continue'.
He took his hand and started rubbing his neck. I sighted.
"I should call Sabrina, check if she's home..." I uncomfortably said, analyzing the ground.
"Sure!" Luka agrees, even if the "sure" sounded more like "I don't want to do this now", but I can't help it.

"Hello Sabrina!" I say the moment she answers my call.
"Oh, hi Chloe! What's up?" She says cheerfully.
"May I come over at your place?" I ask looking at Luka and waiting for her confirmation.
"Of course you can!"
"Thanks! See you there!" I cheer and hang up.

"Let's go!" I happily say to Luka as I indicate him the way.
We walk in silence till we reach Sabrina's house.
"Hare!" I point at it.
I ring the doorbell and wait for Sabrina to open the door. She does.

Her red hair and smile immediately lights up my mood. She's Sabrina we all know. She might've been a little annoying in the past, but now I promised myself I'll be kind to her, as she always was with me.

"Hi Chloe-" she stops as she notices Luka. "Oh..." She analyze him a little then says "and Chloe's friend..." But more like a question than a fact, since apparently she didn't remember Luka's name. After she asked us to come in.

Sabrina's house was... decent. I've been here multiple times in the past, even thought she mainly came to my place, sometimes I would've visited her too.
We made ourselves comfortable on Sabrina's orange couch.
"So? What are you guys here for?" She asks softly.
"Sabrina, we are in desperate need of you!"
"Of me?" She answers surprised.
"Yeah!" Luka said. "We know your dad is working on Kim's case!"
"Yeah!" Sabrina nods.
"Could you find out things about the case?" I said looking in her eyes and I immediately saw that she understood what I meant.
"I..." She ran out of words. I saw it on her face, she really didn't want it. After all, Sabrina was respecting her father and it would be weird to sneak around his work.
"Please, Sabrina!" I say, making puppy eyes at her.

I knew she wouldn't say no to me and that at some point we would have to convince her.
"We really need your help!" Luka insisted.
Sabrina's breath became heavy and she looked like she had a lot of things on her mind right now
"I don't know about this..." She sighted, looking down and we were at literal despair.

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