
Tell me about it

Fuck off

Wait a second
Jack helped me what???????


I throw my phone to the other side of my bed, my cheeks burning at the thought of Jack carrying me shirtless, undressing me, showering me, dressing me again, then putting me to bed like an absolute fucking child. I was mortified.

I won't lie
It was fucking hard to undress you

Was I really drugged?

Yeah :(
I'm sorry Miracle, I should have stayed with you
Are you feeling ok today?

Also embarrassed that you did all that
I mean thanks
But also fml
At least I was wearing cute underwear

And no bra (:

Fml part 2
So you've seen me naked
And I don't even fkn remember it

I didn't touch baby
Just made sure my girl got to bed
I'll be over in 20
Getting you food

Trevor will be mad
If you come over just for me

Let him be mad
I'm coming to take care of you

I want to throw the covers off, to run to the bathroom and make myself presentable, but I don't have the energy. Instead, I roll out of bed, scratch my scalp, step into my slippers and trudge out of my bedroom at a pace that a snail might beat.

Trevor is right outside my door, heading downstairs at the same time as me.

"Mira," he says, eyebrows furrowed. "You look like shit."

"I know," I try to say, my voice is course, and I have to clear my throat. "Jack is coming over."

"Jack?" Trevor asks. "How do you know? He didn't say it in the chat?"

I yawn. "He told me. He's bringing me food."

Trevor squints. "Are you sure there isn't anything going on between you two?"

I shake my head no. "I guess he just feels responsible because he was annoying me and that's why I went to the bar."

Trevor isn't having it, he's still squinting at me.

"Just let the guy bring me food, Trev," I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face. "He just wants to make sure I'm okay."

Hesitantly, Trevor takes a deep breath. "Fine."

"Good," I say back, trying to blink away the headache that was pounding in the front of my head. "On second thought, I'm going back to bed. Just send him up when he's here. Don't feel like standing."

Trevor smiles a tiny little grin. "I'll bring you up some aspirin in a sec okay little Z?"

Nodding, I drag my feet back to my bedroom, crawling back into my bed and curling up under the covers.

I'm asleep in two seconds flat, and it must be a deep sleep, because it takes Jack a full five minutes to shake me awake. Letting out a tiny little moan, I blink my eyes open and peer up at him. He's crouched by my bed, a cap backwards on his head and a hoodie on his chest. His face is pulled down in a pout that should make me feel pathetic but right now just makes me want attention.

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