“Lady Swordmistress, what I said is true.”

“Forget it. Let’s not talk about that anymore. It’s not easy for you to come to the capital, and you’re now studying at the academy. As the host, I want to treat you to a good meal. I don’t want my father to say that I didn’t treat our guests well when I go back! I know a very good restaurant ahead. Come with me.”

Without any explanation, Christina held Watson’s hand and walked forward.

Watson and Christina were both handsome and beautiful. Everyone looked at them as they walked by. Since they knew Christina’s identity, they whispered among themselves.

“Isn’t that Lady Swordmistress from the Sword Saint family? I heard that she just came back not too long ago. Why is she holding a man’s hand? Is it her boyfriend?”

“That’s her boyfriend? That young man is too young! He looks like her brother! Also, the Sword Saint announced that he had taken in a young disciple named Watson. He happens to be around the same age as that boy. Is that him?”

Some people looked at Watson with envy, while others analyzed the situation rationally. More people were discussing what had happened in the Sword Saint’s courtyard.

“There was a river, a typhoon, and lightning in the sky above the Sword Saint’s courtyard just now. It was so scary! My family lives on the street near the Sword Saint’s courtyard. Even if I stayed in my house, I could still feel the ground shaking. I was so scared that I ran out. I wonder why there was such a big commotion when the Sword Saint trained his disciples.”

“Perhaps the Sword Saint wasn’t teaching his disciples any sword techniques; maybe he had a new breakthrough. Perhaps that was why there was such a commotion.”

“Is that so? If that’s the case, we must be blessed. The Holy Dragon Kingdom relies on the Sword Saint’s reputation to keep invasions at bay. Now that the Sword Saint has made a breakthrough, doesn’t that mean our lives are more stable?”

Christina brought Watson to a seemingly luxurious restaurant. During that time, her ears twitched, and she could hear the discussions outside. She had a little plan in mind.

“Would those people be surprised if they knew that it wasn’t my father who made the breakthrough but Watson? It’s obvious that Watson didn’t tell me the truth just now. I can use the food to lure him here. Maybe he will tell me the real secret to becoming stronger after we get closer to each other.”

While Christina pondered that, Watson was also thinking about something else.

He looked at the large plaque in front of him that had Holy Dragon Tavern written on it and the pillars carved with dragons, phoenixes, and other mythical beasts. Watson wasn’t thinking about what to eat but about how that shop was related to him. If he remembered correctly, the Holy Dragon Tavern was Count Gray’s shop, the largest shop in the city.

‘When we enter the tavern later, will it be awkward if we find any Severed Fingers Gang members there?” While Watson was deep in thought, he heard Christina speak.

“Watson, this tavern is very famous in the kingdom. They say that King Landhar III personally wrote the words on the plaque! Today’s meal is on me. Don’t be shy; just order whatever you want.”

“Thank you, Lady Swordmistress.”

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Watson and Christina walked into the tavern. The interior was the same as the exterior. It looked high-class. The grounds around the tavern were planted with trees. Those plants did not seem to lack water at all in the crevices of the earth. Furthermore, the leaves were inlaid with gold and silver.

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