Chapter Eight: Knowing is Boredom

Start from the beginning

"Hey! What are you doing?" A professor called out, urgency lacing their voice. As we flew away onto a rooftop, the near silence of calm surrounded us, but the local lockdown had begun, and armed cyborgs pointed at us. Globby attempted to lie, but the professor wasn't having it, and our plan was falling apart by the seconds.

Gobby's response was predictable, yet infuriating to the professor. "I'm going to defend our school!"

The professor, whom we had yet to ever meet, shook their head, torn between the safety of the students and the pull of loyalty to their defensive role in the area. Explosions echoed in the distance, a grim reminder of the stakes at hand. Gritting their teeth, the professor made a split-second decision.

"Go! Don't stay in there too long, and I don't want to see you outside the tower! Understand!," they urged, their voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination.

As Gobby floated off, driven by his own sense of duty, the professor hesitated. The weight of their decision pressed heavily upon them, a tangle of conflicting emotions and moral quandaries. In the end, they couldn't abandon their position. "Globby, sometimes I admire that aspect of you, but you gotta make sure you don't rush like that." Their words carried both concern and respect, a testament to the complex dynamics at play amidst the chaos of the situation.

With a heavy sigh, I descended to the ground, steeling ourselves for the chaos to come within the tower of knowledge. Whatever lay in store, I knew one thing for certain: I wouldn't let Gobby face it alone.

As chaos continued to engulf the academy, I moved with a fluidity born of familiarity. It was as if I had started to unconsciously navigate the world, never fully waking but rather leisurely levitating off the ground.

Each interaction with the swarming mercenaries near the knowledge tower felt like a choreographed dance, with Globby's movements precise and calculated. With a flick of his wrist and a surge of colorful power, he dispatched one adversary after another, his confidence unshakable in the face of overwhelming odds. Together, we moved with purpose, our determination unwavering as we fought side by side against the encroaching threat, ready to defend our school at any cost.

Arriving at the scene, I tore through the steel frame of the building while Globby defended our rear, defeating adversaries with swift precision. As I melted my way into the building's doors, we closed them behind us, greeted by terrified staff members and students. Inside, cyborg soldiers defended the entrance, and as we approached, lasers greeted us. Our reaction was swift and strong, creating defensive barriers of both plasma and psychic forces.

"We're on your side! Stop the assault!" Globby shouted, and the machines halted, scanning us before becoming docile. However, an explosion erupted behind us, sending us plummeting into darkness. While I recovered quickly, Globby was knocked out as the onslaught continued.

We were fortunate to survive the explosion shock due to the machines defending us on-site, but we were losing ground rapidly. I knew the professor defending this area must either be busy or worse, dead by now. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon me as I braced myself for what lay ahead.

As the chaos continued to unfold inside the tower, following students struggled to overcome the shock. The sheer number of allies the villains had on their side was staggering. Could one entity truly be enough to keep the nation's most powerful force busy or harmed? It was becoming increasingly clear that this wasn't just a local issue but a nationwide concern.

Moving with the grace of a seasoned warrior, my senses heightened, every movement calculated with precision as I faced off against the swarming mercenaries. Each encounter showcased my newfound prowess as a superhuman, leaving the staff in awe of my skills in combat. I defended and aided with an array of abilities, drawing enough attention to myself to allow Globby, who had slowly regained consciousness, to gather his bearings. Despite the odds stacked against us, I remained resolute, determined to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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