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chapter seven. the plot

"the thing is, she's not on your side. she never was."


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"i should kill you billy! what part of 'leave randy meeks out of the plan' do you not understand?" i ask, pocketing the voice changer.

"it's this thing called 'collateral damage' maddie." he says, twirling a knife around between his fingers as he walks over.

sidney pushes against mine and stu's chests, running off into the kitchen. billy runs around to cut her off before i walk up behind her, knife and gun in hand.

"now where do you think you're goin, sid?" i smile, dragging the blade of the knife against her cheek. i toss my voice changer to billy before he starts to mess with her.

"what's the matter sid, looks like you've seen a ghost." he says into the changer with a smirk.

"why are you doing this?" she pleads as she runs to the sink, letting us cage her in. i hop onto the counter, playing around with the gun.

"it's all part of the plan, sidney." stu walks over.

"why am i so special that i'm the center of your fucked up plan?" she asks, leaning against the counter.

"have you never watched a fucking horror move? ever heard of the final girl trope? you're the final girl. you should feel honored. i had to sign a fucking pact saying i wouldn't kill you the second i got my hands on you!" i shove the knife in her face, making her yelp.

"this is all a game really. a game called guess how you wanna die!" billy points the gun at her.

"fuck you!"

"no, no, no, no, no. we already played that game, remember?" he trades stu a knife for his gun. "you lost."

"it's a fine game sidney. see, we ask you questions and if you get it wrong, bookah!"

"ya die. you get it right, ya die." i smile.

"you three are crazy!"

"actually, we prefer the term psychotic." i smirk, twirling the knife around.

"you'll never get away with this! why are you doing this maddie, i thought we were friends?" she asks with a whimper.

"the thing is, she's not on your side. she never was. you were just a pawn in her game. we were just here to get you here where we are right now." billy explains.

"you say we'll never get away with this, tell that to cotton fuckin' weary." i get back up to point the knife in her face. "you wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame."

"watch a few movies, take a few notes. it was fun." stu smiles.

she tries to escape billy's grip but he pulls her back in.

[𝟏] 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 | 𝑺𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴Where stories live. Discover now