Every glance exchanged, an unspoken perfection.

Words fail to capture this magnetic pull,

As we dance in the silence, our senses full.

Lost in the cosmos of your soul's design,

I'm captivated by the wonders I find.

Through your eyes, I see a destiny unfold,

A love story written in stardust, untold.

Eyes like constellations, drawing me closer,

We're lost in the beauty, a celestial exposure.

Guided by starlight, we ignite the night,

Our souls intertwining, setting our hearts alight.

Like meteors colliding, we collide,

Two entities merging, the rivers coincide.

Time stands still, as our worlds align,

Eyes locked in a gaze, a cosmic sign.

Eyes like constellations, drawing me closer,

We're lost in the beauty, a celestial exposure.

Guided by starlight, we ignite the night,

Our souls intertwining, setting our hearts alight.

Within the vast expanse of this cosmic romance,

Our eyes forever connected, in a celestial dance.

Eyes like constellations, etching secrets in the skies,

An eternal bond, where our love never dies.

"Thank you, New York City! Have a great night!" I said walking off the stage blowing a kiss to the crowd.

I made my way off stage and ran into Alex's arms.

"They loved it!" I said extatically.

"Yes they did it was beautiful, now can you please get the girl?" Alex asked.

"I will try, I promise."

"That will be one hell of an album if you do."

"Oh shut up."

I playfully hit Alex as I saw Leah turning the corner. I started walking towards her and was immediately taken into a hug. She picked me up off the ground spinning me around.

"You were amazing!" She said smiling.

"Thank you so much."

Leah walked with me back to my dressing room where there was a bottle of wine left for me. I offered Leah some and she gladly accepted, while looking a bit shocked at the fact I was drinking. I took a sip relaxing myself a bit as I changed into some comfier clothing for the bus. Leah was sat on the couch, so I sat in the chair directly across from her.

"Adding new songs to the setlist are we?" She said with a huge smile on her face.

"It felt right, I actually only decided to add it the minute before I stepped on stage," I said taking another sip of my wine trying to hide my blush.

"I really liked that one, it was very visual."

"Thank you Le."

"When did you write it?"

"I wrote it the same day I wrote my deluxe tracks."

"So its new then?"

"Yeah, its new but definitely one of my favorites, especially the line time stands still as our worlds align, eyes locked in a gaze, a cosmic sign."

"You have a way with words Kace, its special."

I smiled as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks again, this time Leah saw clearly and got a little red herself. We both laughed at the moment of awkwardness between us. We finished the wine and headed back to the bus. Our next stop was Cleveland Ohio a 8 hour drive so we were traveling overnight. Leah changed and opened up the couch bed, the biggest bed we had on the bus. I quickly showered and then went to say goodnight to Alex and then Leah. As I walked up to Leah she sat up, legs hanging off the bed taking me into a hug.

"Goodnight Le," I said softly, now that all the lights were off.

"Do you want to stay here?" She asked letting me go enough to look me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I'll stay."

She slid to the other side of the bed holding the sheets open so I could get in. I moved over so I was cuddling into her side, her arm now around me and my head on her chest.

"Goodnight Kace, sleep well."

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