Rocovery day

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      Y/n rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly, wincing at the dull ache on her side. "Took you long enough" her eyes opened, falling on katsuki as he sat at the end of the bed.

     "How long was I out?" He leaned back onto his hands "about ten minutes" she ran a hand through her hair "can I leave or do I have to wait longer?" He stood and reached a hand out to which she narrowed her eyes at "yeah you can but I gotta help your sorry ass back to the dorms."

     She flicked his hand away and slowly stood on her own but ended up reaching a hand out onto his shoulder. "I still beat you katsuki" he rolled his eyes "sure you did" she huffed and took a step feeling exhausted. "Let me carry you back" she shook her head "nope, I can do it" he watched her wince and grimace holding her side as she shuffled towards the door.

     "Yeah, no. Let me help, you little shit" he knelt down motioning for her to climb onto his back. "Thanks" she muttered in annoyance.

     Katsuki helped y/n into her room and had to get back to class leaving her utterly alone. It was odd the dorms being so quiet during the day so she took the opportunity to nap in fresh pjs and no interruptions.

     She was wrong. About an hour into her nap the nightmare rushed in holding her captive to her own mind. She jolted up, tears running down her cheeks and rushed into the bathroom throwing up this mornings breakfast.

     She reached up to flush the toilet and gasped at the throbbing at her side. Carefully she got up and looked in the mirror. She peered at the pale reflection as tears continuously fell. The image of her aunt flashing in her mind.

     When she found Aunt Maylin it was gruesome. Her entire body mutilated from Max electrocuting her. She could see the lines seared into her skin from the electricity, even burned through to the bone with flesh exposed in some areas. She couldn't look away from her face, the horrific look on her face from such a painful death.

     She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and picked up her mouthwash to rid the taste of vomit.She staggered back to her bed and played games to pass the time until everyone was back from class.

     Ururaka, Mina and Izuku came straight to her room to check on her. "I'm fine you guys just sore and need rest." Ururaka gave a look of sympathy "you tell us if you need anything okay?" Y/n nodded "I know I know, I have my phone and if I need anything I'll text you." Izuku handed her a couple papers "kacchan would've brought them with for your tutoring but he's training for a bit." She nodded trying not to let it show she was disappointed.

     Mina's stomach grumbled "I'm starving, y/n have you ate anything?"   Y/n shook her head "no not since breakfast." Ururaka jumped up "we'll go make dinner right now!" The three of them agreed and left hurriedly to make food leaving y/n alone again.


     After eating dinner downstairs and reassuring everyone she was fine, y/n went back to her room still no sign of katsuki. It was a little after 8:00pm and her burns were becoming painful, she went to the bathroom to see if she had anything that could help but came up empty handed.

     Just then katsuki let himself into her room seething about something but froze when he heard y/n groaning in pain. He saw her through the bathroom door hunched over the counter grimacing. "What the hell happened?" She could feel the relief at katsuki's presence "it's hurting so bad, and I don't have any pain killers."

     His face went blank. He left her, walked into the bedroom and beelined straight to her desk picking up the bandages and burn cream recovery girl gave him. He set them on the counter and knelt down peeling back her bandage gently. The red angry skin made her hiss at the exposure.

     "You need to clean this, you think you can shower?" Her brows furrowed "but it's gonna hurt kat." The guilt was eating away at him since this was his doing. "Can you at least stand in there and let the water run for a bit" reluctantly she nodded.

     He went to leave but she grabbed his wrist "can you leave the door open..just in case I need help." He gave a slight nod and left the bathroom with the door ajar.

     Carefully she peeled her shirt off and winced as she bent down to remove her pajama pants and underwear flinging them into a pile.

     Stepping into the shower she turned the water on leaving it cold. She shivered but felt a lot of relief on the wound, and let herself tilt her head back while closing her eyes.

     Y/n called it quits when her teeth began chattering and her body shook from the cold water. She toweled off as best she could and poked her head out to see katsuki reading one of her books, what a little hypocrite.

     "Kat can you get me a clean shirt and pajama pants." He snapped the book closed and she popped her head back into the bathroom before he could see that she saw him. "Where?" He asked with a sigh "closet for a shirt and bottom drawer of the dresser for pants"

     She could hear him shuffling things around and then walk over reaching his hand into the door way with the clothes in his grasp. "Thanks kat." Y/n slipped on the shirt ignoring the sting of it touching her side, and stepped into her pajama pants. Commando it is, she was not gonna ask katsuki to pick out a pair of underwear.

     "Can you help me with the bandage stuff?" Katsuki stepped into the bathroom and picked up the burn cream "sit on the counter" she did as told and rolled her pajama pants down slightly before she lifted her shirt with one hand and held the edge of the counter top in a vice like grip with her other.

He washed his hands and picked up the tub getting a decent amount before crouching down and gently spreading it over the wound. "Shit! Shit! Fuck! Shit!" He tsked at her "stop moving you little shit, it's gonna hurt worse!" She gasped as he spread some on the part that was across her hip.

     "Are you almost done?! Fuck kat it hurts!" He retracted his hand and stood from his crouched position, grabbing the bandage. "Hard parts over so stop acting like a baby" her eyes darted to him in annoyance as He placed the bandage on making sure to double check if it was on correctly. "See that wasn't so bad."

     She scoffed and hopped off the counter already feeling relief almost like numbing cream. "Whatever recovery girl put in that cream is magical." They walked into the room and he picked up his bag, her face dropped. "You're not even gonna tutor me today?" He stretched "you get a free pass tonight, I'm fucken tired and it's past my bedtime." She snorted "you have a bedtime?" He shot her a dirty look to which she held her hands up "sorry sorry."

     Katsuki reached for the doorknob "wait" he looked over playfully "what, ya miss me that much princess?" He definitely noticed the blush adorning her cheeks. "I don't want to be alone.." he sighed "tell raccoon eyes to come over then." She shook her head, gaze dropping to the bed. "I had another nightmare" his brows furrowed "when? Like today?" She nodded "I took a nap and..." she didn't finish her sentence.

     He turned opening the door and her face dropped before he sighed "common let's go" she followed him out eagerly after checking if the hall was clear.

     When they got to his room he flicked the light on revealing a tidy space with a gaming set up in the corner and All Might posters adorning the walls. "I'm gonna shower, don't touch my shit. And the tv remotes on the side table" he said as he flung his backpack into his closet.

     As soon as he closed the door to the bathroom she crawled into his bed. Y/n was still freezing after that shower and pulled the blankets up to her chin, reaching a hand out for the remote.
She didn't care what she watched as long as she wasn't alone she was satisfied.

     Eventually katsuki emerged from the bathroom in a oversized shirt and loose sweats. He flicked the lights off along with the tv and slipped into bed next to her. Y/n was still frigid and the blankets hadn't helped much. "I'm freezing." He huffed closing his eyes "what the fuck do you want me to do about it?"

      She reached out and hugging his side "you're like a furnace" her hands felt like little ice cubes "you little shit! That's freezing get your hands off me woman!" She giggled "nooo let me get warm or I'm gonna die of hypothermia!"

     He clicked his tongue at her "fine, just let me get some damn sleep." She smiled to herself "goodnight Kat." A soft smile etched its way onto his face. "Night you little shit."

A Series Of Canon Events          Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now