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Third pov
Somewhere in Australia...

"Bro, the fuck, Nicklaus Vinciguerra has been auctioned off." exclaimed one boy, his forest green eyes wide at the news he was reading.

His friend shifted his eyes to him, only to glance for a moment at the joint between his own fingers and compare it to the other's.

"What the fuck are you smoking dude? Wouldn't that be like... human traffic or some shit?" he murmured first to his friend and then to himself, his rose-gold eyes hidden by slightly half-closed eyelids.

The excited friend turned the cell phone in the latter direction, shoving the news in his face.

"I'm telling you, Blue Lock put him up for auction because he was expelled, so now anyone can claim him." he tried to explain, pushing the bright screen in the other boy's face.

This one muttered something, pushing the hand that held the cell phone away from his face.

"Who's offering more?" he asked after inhaling another wave of smoke, too lazy to read the news himself.

"I don't know man, the number keeps changing." replied the other, trying to keep up with the ever-changing amount and name of the 'bidder.

The one who had asked the question raised an eyebrow. "It keeps changing? There are five of them, can't anyone get the upper hand?" he asked curiously even though his tone lacked curiosity.

The other shook his head quickly, opening his green eyes wider and wider as he scrolled through the bidding chronology.

"Nah...the fuck..."

The rose-gold irises shifted to the friend, the latter being too busy sticking the phone screen to his own face.

"What?" he asked disinterestedly, yet continuing to look at him.

"Man it's not just about those five stratums..." murmured the green-eyed boy, his pupils wide as he red the very long list.

"What do you mean?" asked the friend with rose-gold eyes, inhaling smoke again.

The green gemstones, wide and shocked, met the pink-gold ones, quiet and half-closed.

"Bro, Nicklaus is a fucking world-class product."

Blue Lock had opened the auction to every existent football team.

And the only product on display was Nicklaus Vinciguerra.

Meanwhile, in Blue Lock

"Damn, they keep offering."

Nicole did not look in the direction everyone was looking, merely eating the food that Oliver had graciously shared with her.

The game had ended with Paris X Gen winning, 3-2, and now both the Ubers and the winning team had gone to lunch, the candidates placed at different tables according to their friendships.

"Look at them, like strays biting each other for a bone on the road." Barou muttered, his crimson eyes fixed on the screen on which the name of the bidders and their amounts had not yet stopped changing.

Real Madrid: 120,000.00
Bastard München: 135,000.00
Manshine City: 140,000.00
Arsenal: 150,000.00
Paris X Gen: 155,000.00
Liverpool: 160,000.00
FC Barcha: 165,000.00
Bastard München: 180,000.00

And they kept changing, to such an extent that one bid stood still for just a few seconds or minutes before showing a higher one.

Now, late in the afternoon, the news of Nicklaus's expulsion, and his subsequent return to Joker card on the loose, was on everyone's lips.

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