But if you're too drunk to drive

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   My AU . It's not completely different from the Dsmp canon facts, but some things are changed up to better fit the oneshot.
   A bit rushed and not proof read, sorry.
   Song in Title : Lovers Rock - TV girl
   Word Count : 3151
TW : Use of alcohol, Swearing. (Please do let me know if i happen to miss anything.)

"Another." he near demanded, sliding his glass to the bartender who only nodded and began to refill Quackity's drink, once more reminding him that he should stop soon and that he's have a hard time getting home seeing as this was almost his tenth drink. It's not Quackity was counting.

He sat at the counter of his somewhat noisy bar, lights dull as everyone- most likely the drunk- yelling and shouted to each other, almost unable to hear each other with the eerie music playing. It was about 11 pm, and Quackity had a long day.
Long week.

So here he sat, too drunk to form a coherent thought, nodding a thank you to the bartender- Slimecicle, or as he called him, Slime- as he was slid his now refilled drink back.

He sat there for a while more, thinking about all he could manage to think about before actually taking a single sip. A small one, at that. He didn't know why he didn't drink more, but he was about one minor inconvenience away from taking the drink and downing it in one go.

Quackity was too busy drowning himself in his own thoughts, and the glass filled to the brim with a surprisingly nice mixture of vodka and coke to hear the stool next to him squeak as it was being pulled out and someone had sat next to him. Not to mention it was incredibly noisy. Not that Quackity cared much, though.

"Ill have a glass of whatever this guys having," the man spoke, gesturing his thumb towards Quackity. It was only when Quackity had heard the man speak when he decided it was worth the disturbance to turn his head.

"What're you doing here?" he asked, slightly slurring his words but hoping that the other hadn't noticed. Of course, he did.

Wilbur received his drink, and gave a thankful hum.

"I could ask the same for you, darling~" he teased, a smirk tugging at his lips. Only after Quackity rolled his eyes- jokingly or not, he couldn't be bothered to make that part clear- that Wilbur's voice softened, his eyes as well. Quackity was too drunk to tell. "Getting hammered at a bar on a wednesday night? Do you even have a safe way back to your apartment?"

Quackity attempted to scoff, but it didn't exactly turn out the best. Why do you even care? he wanted to ask. The only thing he could manage to do was grab his drink, down it all in one go- didn't taste or feel good, his face twisted with bitterness- and roll his eyes once more. His eyes only flickered up an inch to meet Wilbur's, cold yet curious eyes as he stole the others drink, downing that one as well. Wilbur hadn't make an attempt to stop him. It seemed he was still waiting for an answer. So, Quackity sighed shakily and gave one to him.

"Long night. I wanted to get drunk. And no, I figured I'd just walk back." that last part was a lie, he walked into the bar planning to call one of his many Las Nevadas secretary workers to help him back once he had finished- which he decided would be once the bar closed, at 2am.
Though, it seemed those plans had been thrown out the window.

"Another." he spoke once more after a brief pause, sliding the glass to Slime. Or at least trying to. Though, it didn't seem to work as Wilbur- who had much faster reflexes than the drunken ravenette- grabbed the glass before Slime could.

"Ah, ah," he started, giving a look to the bartender that Quackity's drunken brain couldn't understand. Slime seemed to, though, as he nodded. "We're not having any more of that."

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