•°Chapter 3•°

370 15 2


'Where in the world...'

Navier unable to comprehend just how Alexandra dissapeared right before her very eyes slowly turned her head towards her two ladies-in-waiting.

"Laura...Eliza...did you perhaps see where Her Imperial Majesty has gone?" She asked, hoping for some kind of explanation.

But that hope was soon erased as the words and gestures of the two made it quite clear of the situation.

"Y-your Majesty, s-she...I don't know how to explain this but, the Emperor vanished." Laura said while covering her mouth as she struggled to breathe properly.

"What do you mean vanished?! Do you imply that Her Imperial Majesty simply disappeared into nothingness while you both were standing there watching?!" Navier found it really hard to keep calm as the seriousness of the situation was beginning to eat her.

"It is true Your Majesty we saw it as clear as day, one second the Emperor was standing before you and the next she was gone, there were even no traces left behind to indicate what had happened, it was like she was never there." Eliza hurriedly told her.

Navier stood in shock, she couldn't believe the situation right now. The sudden disappearance of Alexandra may not seem like a big deal but in reality it was enough to cause an all out war, and not any simple war between 2 countries, but a war that could affect the whole world.

The three women were in the process of trying to make out what really just happened, and whether the situation was as grave as they initially thought.

"No matter how you look at it, even if Her Imperial Majesty is known to have speed unmatched, she couldn't have disappeared like that without leaving so much as dust to indicate she had ran off, especially since we're out in open space." Laura voiced out as Navier and Leiza agreed.

They were currently in the garden which was very wide, meaning, even if one had run past at the speed of light it would have left behind traces.

"Then the only explanation is the involvement of sorcery, and since there were no traces left behind it must have been the use of high-level magic." Eliza said.

"You are right, but as far as the records show, doesn’t Her Imperial Majesty have no affinity with magic?" Laura asked, getting more unsteady with her balance due to the pressure.


The two looked at Navier who had been silent the whole conversation.

"We need to alarm Sovieshu of this matter immediately, because this either means that Emperor Alexandra has been keeping a secret and can actually use magic- magic at the highest degree at that, which likely isn't so, or....

Someone has abducted the Emperor right before our very eyes."



"You know...I'm serious about having the urge to kill you this time." A cold voice said.

"*Scoff* Be my guest, because...as I've told you many times before....




death by your hands will be my greatest plessure." The tone was mocking but at the same time had a tint of sadism.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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