Capturing Alexander

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The three girls had made it back to New Orleans about an hour later and were getting out of the car. Cami was still dressed in her burnt clothes that could hardly even be called clothing. She still had black marks all over her body and dried blood on her pale skin. Cami had been gifted a jacket from Rebekah to help warm her up slightly even though it didn't do much.

The girls stopped outside the gates.
"You know what? You two girls go in, and I'll just come in later."-R
"Klaus won't do anything, I'm here with you. Come on, let's go."-C
"I'm not scared of my brother, I never have been. I'd just rather not listen to him blaming everything on me."-R
"If anything, it was my fault."-C

Rebekah sighed before effortlessly opening the gates and walking in with confidence. Cami and Lilly followed behind.
"We're back!"-R
A whoosh sound was heard, and Klaus had immediately entered the room, his gaze on Cami.

His eyes were filled with worry and concern as he laid eyes on Cami, who stood before him with burnt clothes clinging to her body, black marks smudging her skin, and dried blood staining her legs and arms. The sight sent a jolt of fear and guilt through his heart. As Klaus stood there, his mind filled with worry for Cami. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief when he saw her running towards him. In that moment, all his concerns melted away as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight, comforting hug. The warmth of her embrace enveloped him, erasing any doubts or fears that lingered in his heart.

She was safe, and that was all that mattered. He pulled her close to his chest, inhaling deeply as he held her tightly. He could smell the faint scent of smoke from Cami's body and heard her quickening heartbeat. "Are you ok? What happened?"-K

As much as he would have loved to keep Cami in his arms. He slightly stepped back, looking over the blonde vampire. He had already made a quick conclusion from her attire and the black marks that littered her body. His heart clenched painfully at the thought of how much she had suffered.

His hand was stroking her arm comfortingly, but he stopped once his hand rubbed against a piece of swollen flesh. Cami was yet to heal completely and still had some deep wounds from the fire.
"I'll take care of you."-K
He kissed her forehead gently as he said those words and felt her relax against him in response.

A cough came from Kol, who had been eating some chips that Hope had insisted he tried. The cough had brought Cami and Klaus out of their moment, making them realise that they weren't alone. Klaus shot Kol an annoyed glare, to which Kol answered with an innocent hand raise.
"My bad brother, these chips tend to get stuck in your throat."-KM
Klaus would've normally said something more, but something in Kol's voice hinted that he was actually being sincere and didn't mean to interrupt.

As the couple looked around, they noticed that they were surrounded by the entire Mikaelson family, the Salvatores and Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena. Aiden seemed to still be locked up in his room.
"That looked like something right out of a rom com."-D
A couple of giggles were heard but none too loud.

"Oh shut up, Damon. Go get Cami a bloodbag instead and make yourself useful for once."-CF
Caroline elbowed him, not bothering to turn to him when she heard him groan out of pain. Damon rolled his eyes before heading towards where the Mikaelsons kept their bloodbags. Instead, she made her way to Elijah, Kol, Freya, Klaus, Lilly, and Rebekah, who were huddled around talking about something. Cami had gone upstairs quickly to change into one of Rebekah's clothes.

"Care to let me in on the plan?"-CF
The group turned to Caroline, who stood innocently to the side of Kol. They then continued speaking as if Caroline hadn't said anything.

Cami returned a few minutes later wearing a white blouse and a pair of jeans. She had a blood bag in her hand that was quickly finished in a couple of minutes. She quickly joined the circle, standing by Klaus, who slipped an arm around her waist while still having his attention focused on the rest of the group.
"I'm guessing you guys didn't manage to get the truth sphere."-F
"I don't know how, but Cami somehow managed to get it. Even while her flesh was burning, she managed to keep ahold of it."-R
Cami felt Klaus' arm tighten around her when Rebekah mentioned her flesh burning.

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