No Humanity Klaus

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"You expect me to believe this? I will not be manipulated!"-K
"This is the truth, brother. Camille is alive."-EM
Elijah thought he saw a glimpse of hope in Klaus' eyes but he was quickly proved wrong.
"Don't lie to me!"-K
Klaus began pounding on the invisible wall again.
"Klaus! Stop it! It won't work!"-HM
"I'll stop once I believe I can't go past it."-K

Klaus' bones began snapping and his eyes turned amber.
"Klaus, no."-F
Klaus smiled before completely turning into a wolf.
"The barrier won't hold!"-F
Freya began casting a spell, trying  to reinforce it.
"What do you mean it won't hold?"-KM
"The barrier spell is for an Original Vampire. Not a werewolf!"-F
Freya shouted over the sound of Klaus' remaining bones.
"Can you do anything?"-EM
"I'm trying, Elijah!"-F
"Try harder!"-KM
"Thanks for the advice, Kol."-F
"Now's not the time. Get ready to grab him."-HM

Elijah nodded and Klaus pounced at them with all his strength, breaking the boundary spell.
Hayley and Elijah tried to grab him but Klaus slashed their stomach's. Klaus ran out and Hayley bent down on the ground.

"I'm alright."-HM
"I'll get him."-EM
Elijah was about to vamp out but Hayley stood up with her hand on the wound.
"You're not fast enough."-HM
"I'm an Original."-EM
"And I'm a hybrid. I'll go."-HM
"He'll kill you."-EM
"He can try."-HM
Hayley kissed Elijah on the cheek before turning into a werewolf herself. She screamed in pain but after a few minutes, she had fully turned and was chasing after Klaus.

Elijah picked up his phone and put it to his ear.
"What happened to Klaus?"-S
"He has lost his humanity."-EM
"Oh my god. He's going to go on a rampage and it.. it's all my fault. If I didn't call him..."-S
"Do not blame yourself for something you have no control over. Now tell me, why did you believe Camille was dead?"-EM
"She technically is. He snapped her neck, turned her into a vampire."-S
"Can I speak with her?"-EM
"You can't. She's still with him."-S
"How do you know she's a vampire if you have not talked to her?"-EM
"I overheard him saying that Cami will wake up and he'll force her to feed."-S
"Are you going to stop him?"-EM
"Why would I?"-S
"Everyone deserves the freedom to choose."-EM
"But she'll die if she doesn't feed. I'm not going to let her die."-S
"That should be her choice. Now please excuse me. I have some pressing matters to deal with."-EM
The phone call ended and footsteps came from upstairs.
"Who is it?"-F
Freya looked at her brothers.

They both vamped upstairs and Freya slowly followed behind.
"Hope, you're here."-KM
"We're here."-H
Kol looked behind Hope to see the entire group waiting.
"You brought the crew. Fantastic. Most of you will be dead by the end of the day."-KM
Freya spoke with a strict tone, reminding them all that she was the eldest.

"Where is the almighty hybrid?"-D
"He's running around through the streets as a rabid dog."-KM
Elijah sighed.
"He turned."-EM
They nodded.
"Where's mum?"-H
"She went after Klaus."-EM
"Isn't dad dangerous?"-H
"He is and..."-EM
"And you let mum chase after him when she's not immortal like you?"-H
"Well technically.."-KM
"Shut up Kol."
Hope and Freya spoke at the same time, making Kol roll his eyes.

"Your mother is a strong woman. She can handle herself."-EM
"You better hope so."-H
Hope turned around to her friends.
"How are we going to make him feel something?"-H
"I could easily make him mad."-SS
"No, he'll kill you."-E
"Elena, it's one life or many. I would gladly die if it means you get to live."-SS
"Stop, don't say things like that. I can't live without you."-E
Stefan couldn't help but smile. Damon rolled his eyes and walked over to the Mikaelsons, hoping he could get away from Elena.

"We need to help mum. She can't handle dad alone."-H
"Finally, something we agree on."-D
Hope smiled at him, sarcastically.
"I'll do a locator spell, locate where about they are."-F
Elijah nodded and Freya left to go to her room.
"Where did Davina go? We could use another witch."-CF
"I can help."-BB
"No, you're always helping. I just want you to relax."-CF
"Thanks Care but this is Klaus were talking about. He's dangerous with or without humanity."-BB
"Okay but don't do anything dangerous."-CF
Bonnie smiled at her concerned friend before following Freya.
They all turned around when they heard a sound come from the gate.

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