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Sam started asking questions about what Ronnie does in the club and if we know anything. Me, Nicole and Jenni had to get up out of there. Nicole was kind of making it obvious that she might know something.

"Dude I feel so guilty right now it took a lot of me not to say anything." Jenni says as we sit out in the backyard, tucked away in the corner but could see if anyone came outside.

"I don't want to lose her as a friend. I don't." Nicole says.

"Well we have to do something. I love them both, but this is so hard. I just don't want to tell her something that I heard from someone else." I say.

"Ron deserves to fucking deal with it."

"She's going to find out. We should tell her now ." Nicole is trying to push for us to do something, but honestly I don't know what to do.

I want to be a good friend and tell Sam, but what if it blows up in my face. I don't want to get involved in anything that they are going to make up that night, tomorrow or in a few days. I'll look like a fool.

We all just stare at each other not knowing what to say. Sam comes out of the house mad because the guys haven't come back yet.

"Find out from someone if Ron did anything and then let me know." Sam says putting us in an even messed up position.

"Let me know because I don't wanna look like an idiot."

"Well the only one that has been to the clubs when we haven't is I think Angelina, right?" Jenni is quick to throw Angelina in. I'm not mad about it.

We eventually go back into the house and Nicole gets into a fight with her ass of a boyfriend Emilio. Apparently he was drunk and a girl fucked him.

Sam is writing on the chalkboard, 'NEVER FALL IN LOVE IN MIAMI.

Emilio keeps calling the phone and Jenni keeps picking it up, he thinks it's a voicemail. Finally Jenni tells it to him, "let me explain something to you. We have 6'4" guys outside our door. So while your fucking the nasty bitches down there, i'm sure nicole's gonna get it in down here. All right? You're already a loser as it is and you're a drunk stank with no job."

My jaw drops and I burst into laughter with Sam and nicole.

"Oh that was mean, but he deserved it." Nicole says as he jumps onto op Jenni. "I love you!"

They guys come back and Sam is pissed that Ronnie doesn't come into the room and talks to her.

So she decides to go into Ron's room and confront him.

"Oh my gosh is she really doing this." I look at Jenni who just looks done, but is sitting up listening to the whole thing.

His room is right next to ours so we can hear the whole conversation.


We end up going to Moshi Moshi because Sam wants to get out of the house. Angelina was telling us about her night at the club with the guys and how she's mad that Mike, Pauly and Vinny were talking to girls the whole night.

So she just opens the door wide open.

"So if all them were talking to girls like, is Ron just sitting there?"

"I'm telling you right now, I didn't see Ronnie do anything." Angelina is lying her ass off. I don't believe for a second that she didn't see Ronnie because she is nosey as hell.

So Angelina is explaining that she doesn't pay attention to what Ronnie does.

[Jenni: There are so many chances for Angelina to tell Sam and then when I saw Angelina like a scared puppy I wasn't even mad. I was just like this girl so stupid]


The guys cooked Sunday dinner and we are sitting at the table. Ronnie and Sam are sitting beside each other. They are co existing. Then all of a sudden yapper open's her mouth.

"Yo last night at Klutch was poppin'."

"There were a lot of people. The funnest part was when Ronnie was dancing with that blonde girl and you were looking at him like 'get the fuck out of there.'"

I'm not shocked I'm not surprised but I am a little shocked and surprised that Angelina just admitted this after telling Sam that she didn't know what Ronnie was doing cuz she doesn't pay attention to him. But didn't you say that you didn't see him? Come on Angelina if you want to lie make it a good lie and commit to that lie.

No one really reacts and Sam doesn't say anything, but she's holding onto that. She'll throw it back at him later, no doubt.

We are playing a bowl of questions and 'who is the president of the I.F.F.' is pulled. Everyone is laughing but Sam, because he doesn't know.

She doesn't know anything.

We pull more questions and everything is good. We are having a good time until the question, 'have you ever cheated on your girlfriend or boyfriend?'

Ronnie admits he has and that everyone has. So the game is pretty much over.

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