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The next morning it was time to go back to the shore house. I had an amazing time last night, but of course there is drama every night. Jenni and Nicole end up telling me that Mike got Jenni thrown out the club and wouldn't take her back to the room after she told him she was sick and didnt wanna go back alone. Then to end the night she back slapped him. Which he honestly desired.

"Jenni you did nothing wrong. He deserved that and more. He has been a total dickhead all fucking week." I give a slow clap of my hands. I don't feel bad for the guy.

"I don't know what I'm more mad about. Him not taking me back to the room or him getting me kicked out of the club."

"All. Of. It. What guy leaves a sick and drunk girl to walk back by herself. We are all roomies that should have never happened."

It's pretty quiet as we arrive back at the house. Jenni calls her boyfriend to tell him what's going and as everyone is doing their own thing.

[Lela: I decided to call my sister. I haven't talked to her in forever and I', used to seeing my sisters everyday and talking to them.]

"Anna-Maria it's me, Lela."

"Le, how are you? I miss you so much. Kisses." We do small air kisses through the phone.

"I know. I miss you too. Everything is fine, I'm just calling to check in."

"It's good. I think mom missed you the most. She keeps going in your room to make sure it's clean. Jocelyn keeps going in there to steal clothes."

"What, we talked about this. I told her not to take my clothes. Do you know what she took?"

[Lela: I don't have a problem with sharing my clothes with my sisters. It's just that Jocelyn never returns my clothes, or she stretched them to the point I can't wear them.]

"Mom is in there right now washing like a load of your clothes." Anna Maria chuckles.

"Tell her to stop wearing my clothes. I'll be back soon."

"Alright." We talk for an hour before we hang up.

The phone quacks and I pick it back up. "Hello?"

"Is Pauly there?"

"Who is this?" I'm not one to give out information until I know who is calling and if that person wants to talk to them.

"Danielle, is Pauly there?"

"No. He isn't. Can I take a message?" which isn't a lie, he isn't here.

"Tell him to call me. Bye." She hangs up the phone pretty quickly.

Not even 10 minutes later as I'm sitting in the kitchen, Pauly and Vinny come in.

"Pauly, some girl Danielle called and wants you to call her?"

"When was this?"

"Around 10 minutes ago." The duck phone goes off.

"It's them." Vinny heads over to the phone.

"No,no, no. That's Danielle, um..." Pauly follows right in behind vinny.

"I'm not answering it." Vinny quickly turns around.

"Yeah, not even answer it."

"What if it's them?"

"Answer it. And say you're Mike."

Vinny turns right back around to answer the phone. Him and Pauly didnt wanna miss out on a call from those girls they just saw because of Danielle. I don't know what happened, but imma stay for this.

"Hello?" I burst out laughing, like Mike does not sound like that. I'm trying to hold it in.

"Yo, Mike's not her-" Vinny laughs at his slip up. Like you're 'Mike' Vinny. "Yo. Yeah, hello? Nah, it's Mike." Pauly is cracking up. I'm trying to mouth, 'what's going on?' but I'm too busy laughing to even form the words.

"Um, he's not here right now. He went to, uh, um the boardwalk." Like Vinny, your impression is either good or this girl is just not all together.

"Alright, Yo, Jenni! Yo you know when Pauly's coming back? Yo Danielle, you want me to take a message? You sure, you sure. Alright bye."

"Yo, Vinny, what is going on with you two? I thought you were feeling that girl, what happened Pauly?" Pauly tells me what happened at the boardwalk and how Danielle was being all creepy, and he said he would call her when he got home, not the other way around.

[Pauly: I told you I would call you, I will call you but no she can't, so I'm not going to call and then I'll wait for her to call me again cuz I know she will and then I'll tell her the deal. I can't have that she's too crazy. ]

The phone continues to buzz. "Take the phone off the hook."


I wake up to this horrible smell in the room, it smells like pickles. Nicole must have dropped some pickle juice in the room somewhere and it is just now starting to smell.

"Nicole, did you drop some pickles somewhere in the room?"

"No, Mike left pickles to prank me. He wasted a good pickle."

[Lela: That was a stupid prank. I have to share a room with her. Like think Mike. I'm definitely not feeling Mike right now.]

"Someone needs to clean that."


The phone is buzzing again. And I hear Danielle is on the phone. I quickly brush my hair to tie it up, I have to hear this. I come out to see Vinny, Sam and Mike on the couch eating these big ass sub sandwiches as Pauly is on the phone basically being screamed at. Even though it isn't on speaker you can hear this girl loud and clear. I slide in behind Sam to hear what's going on.

"You stalked my whole life on the boardwalk and then when I got home I had every intention of calling you but you had already called and you said you wasn't going to call so you, I'm talking now!" Pauly is really going in on this girl.

"You stalked my whole life, you stalked my whole entire life right and I don't like that. I do nothing wrong and I you know how I feel about, and i'm talking now! You know how I feel about you."

"Vinny, give me a bit." I lean over Sam to get a bit of Vinny's sandwich, like this is pure entertainment.

"You have no trust whatsoever, so you thought I was creeping with those chicks. Which I wasn't. I went on one ride, god bless me its fucking summer. Yes, I was upstairs on a balcony with three chicks and three dudes. Did I do anything? No. I do anything, no . All we did was have a conversation. All those chicks have boyfriends. If you weren such a fucking stalker I would have called you when I got home. Instead—Yes you are! It's crazy, I can't deal with that." Wave that red flag, because any girl who won't let you finish what you're saying after you respectfully let her talk, is a no.That goes for guys as well.

"You don't wanna look stupid? Don't you think that makes you look stupid? You're like, 'I'm not calling you' and you call a hundred times. How many times did you call?" We can all hear her, but we don't know what she's saying. I really need to go to the bathroom, but this is just too good to be missed.

"We took the phone off the hook last night. All I wanted to do was call you when I got home last night, so we could hang out. You wouldn't let that happen. You were so worried about how you were going to look because I was walking with three girls. 'Oh my god I don't wanna look stupid, blah, blah' Well, now look how stupid you look. " Pauly quickly hangs up the phone.

"Yeah, Pauly!" Samy cheers.

[Pauly: Danielle is definitely out of the picture, I mean I hung up on her. Danielle's not looking for like a hookup she's looking for a husband and I'm ready for that.]

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