
51 3 0

HorizonsShipping, the pairing of Roy and Liko in the new Pokemon anime.

I have not watched much of the new anime, and the only reason I'm rating this ship is because I saw someone do fanart of these two, for their fanfic, that they are working on.

Me not watching the new series does not mean I dislike it (I think it's alright tbh from what I've seen, and I reckon it could become pretty good at some point. It's not trying to be like the old anime, which imo, is very refreshing.)

Anyways, onto these two.

These two are an interesting pairing for sure, but from what I've seen and heard, and researched, this isn't one of the more realistic ships, nor are the fanfics any good at all on the main sites. Generally the consensus is that this ship isn't really good at all, which I feel may be a bit harsh. Are they meant to be just friends? I don't know, I've got no clue anymore.

Rating 5/10 

Reason: I'm sitting on the fence ok, don't come at me with saying that I have splinters up my ass for sitting on the fence. I don't have a real opinion apart from it's not really anything special, and there isn't a whole lot to go off. Feel free to correct me in the comments.

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