66. The Heir

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"You know when I was little I went to your fathers naming ceremony. The people bent the knee to you but honey stale oaths". Avalon admitted. Rhaenyra's lips pursed. "Rhaenys should have gotten it. But viserys was a man."

"Why are you saying this?"

"Im just preparing you, Rhaenyra." Avalon whispered.

"You are my wife." Rhaenyra corrected. "Support me."


Their grandfather was dying it was obvious and as his son Avalon's father had died many years ago it was time for him to pick an heir.

Viserys or rhaenys.

''Are you going to be king Vis?'' Avalon had asked running up to viserys.

''I don't know Avalon," Viserys admitted

''Do you want to be king?'' Avalon countered.

''I don't know... I never actually thought this day would come where I would be a choice.'' Viserys told her.

''I think you'll be a good king.'' Avalon told him

''you do? ''Viserys asked running his hand through her hair.

''Of course you're the best big brother ever she assured him why wouldn't you be a good king?'' Avalon told him honestly.

''Being a good big brother-''

''The best big brother.'' she corrected him

''I wont tell Daemon you said that." Viserys told her with a grin. "Or maybe I will." He teased. "But being the best big brother-'

''In the whole world.'' she added as he smiled down at her

''-Doesn't mean I'll make a good king.'' he told her

''It doesn't mean you won't make a good king.'' she countered

''I love your faith in me Avalon I hope that if I am chosen I can do you proud.''

''You already have.'' she assured. ''If you're King are we moving to the capital?''

''Well I wouldn't want you to stay at dragon stone so far away.'' he assured her

''Would I be a princess?''

''You're already a princess.'' Viserys told her.

"Right, I forget." Avalon giggled back.

"Always my little princess." Viserys assured.

''Do you think Aemma is not going to have a boy? Is that why you are worried?'' Avalon asked as they walked the halls.

''I think she's having a boy. She will have a boy.'' he told her confidently

''Well is that why you're really worried?'' Avalon asked and he stopped kneeling before her ''because you don't have an heir yet that the crown will like? I like Rhaenyra though.'' Avalon told him.

''I suppose that could be part of it.'' he admitted. ''But our cousin rhaenys is The other option for the next ruler of the seven kingdoms.'' Viserys reminded her ''so even if I am chosen it shows that-''

''That they don't wanna woman as the next leader.'' Avalon countered and viserys sighed. ''I think they'll pick you because I think you would be a good king and I'm really smart Daemon tells me all the time how smart I am so do you.'' Avalon boasted.

''You are very smart.'' he agreed.

''I can do some campaigning for you.'' she offered

''Do you know what campaigning means?'' Viserys countered

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