18. Tipsy

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"Where were you last night? " was demanded of Avalon the moment she saw her niece.

"Daemon came back to town and we were catching up." Avalon offered.

" I needed you!" Rhaenyra exclaimed. " I saved you a piece of cake." she added. " but I was mad that you didn't show up so I ate it." Avalon pouted, tilting her head to the side. " I needed you," she added more softly.

" sweetie I'm so sorry. When it comes to Dae my brain, sort of goes all wobbly." Avalon remarked. " I shouldn't have left you. I should've spent the whole night partying with you and helping you forget why everyone else was celebrating." Rhaenyra nodded in agreement "is there anyway you can forgive me?" Rhaenyra held tight to Avalon. Avalon pressed a kiss to her temple. " I am sorry baby." Rhaenyra smiled in to her pretending to debate it. Avalon peppered her face with kisses and Rhaenyra clung to her never wanting this moment to end.

"you're forgiven." she assured.

"Good. Because I can't have my rhaenyra mad at me. I would be a complete mess." Avalon deemed. Rhaenyra couldnt help but smile. He understood why her father and uncle were so smitten with Avalon, she was perfection.

"So where is Daemon?" Rhaenyra questioned flopping back on the bed.

"Did you really eat my cake?" Avalon countered.

"Yep! It was delicious."

"You are wicked." Avalon corrected appalled. Rhaenyra chuckled reaching a hand out for her. Avalon lay back in Rhaenyra's lap. Rhaenyra ran her fingers through Avalon's hair interlacing the fingers of her opposite hand with Avalon's.


"Step stones is my guess but he usually makes his anger known." Avalon remarked. "Before you know it he will back and causing trouble, its just what Daemon does."

"And what do you do?" Rhaenyra pondered.

'What do you mean dear?" Avalon countered.

"You were off for a while to, are you planning another grand escape?"

"I wouldnt call leaving you an escape." Avalon corrected. "I never meant to leave you. You were a child honey."

"I'm not anymore." Rhaenyra reminded her.

"No you are not." Avalon agreed. "You are a woman..." Avalon debated for a moment. "YOu want to go for a ride?" Rhaenyra nodded and Avalon sat up pulling Rhaenyra with her.

"Where are we going?"

"To visit my cousin, Dav." Avalon answered. "She's at dragonstone right now." 

"Dragonstone, Davina? I dont understand." Rhaenyra remarked as Avalon called out to Mouse. Mouse came running out of the pits stopping before her. 

"Come on Rhaenyra, trust me." Avalon requested bringing a hand to her cheek. Rhaenyra nodded. Avalon smiled kissing the corner of her lips before moving to mouse and pulling herself up. 

They flew through the clouds, racing through the air until they spotted the island of dragonstone below. 

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that Mouse?" Davina smirked as Avalon landed. 

"DAV!" Avalon shouted sliding from Mouses back

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"DAV!" Avalon shouted sliding from Mouses back. 

"Hi gorgeous!" Davina answered. "Miss you already." Davina peered past Avalon to Syrax and Rhaenyra. "Oh you brought two beauties!" Rhaenyra smiled but Davina moved past her to the dragons. 

"Dont mind her, she's dragon obsessed." Avalon remarked wrapping an arm around Rhaenyra. "Dav-"

"Hello pretty, you want to meet my Fury, he's the handsomest dragon in all the lands." Davina coed running a hand over Syrax back. 

"DAV!" Avalon demanded and her head whipped around. 

"Do no interrupt my dragon time." Davina sassed. 

"We came here for you goof!" Avalon corrected. 

"We will talk soon." Davina informed Syrax. "Whats up?" Davina questioned making her way to them. 

"We need a Davina level distraction from everything going on in the capital." Avalon remarked. 

"Daemon gone too?" Davina realized. Avalon gave a tight nod. "Alright, fine, step into my office and lets get this party started!" 

"Nothing too hard core." Avalon corrected. 

"You are no fun. You remember the Shelby brothers?"

"How could I forget." Avalon agreed. Rhaenyra felt jealous listening to them speak of previous conquests. 

"The eldest Arthur gave me a present," she held up a little silk bag. "It makes your mind loopy and brain numb. It's great. I woke up in someone's bed last time I had it. Still not sure who he was." Davina admitted. 

"I will try it." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"What did I say about not too hard core?" Avalon corrected blocking Rhaenyra's path. 

"Blah, blah you are no fun." Davina corrected. "We will invite the boys and drink and dance and party the night away." Davina decided. So thats what they did.  Rhaenyra felt more than a little tipsy and nothing was on her mind except dancing with Avalon moving her hips in her hands, spinning her around. 

They drew quite the crowd with the fires Fury lit on the island so much so that Daemon came home. 

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