When You See The Storm Clouds Rising

Start from the beginning

 "Anna and I were running errands when the storm took a turn for the worse. As we left the store, the winds were strong enough to start causing trees and large branches to come crashing down. That's when I got the alert on my phone and realized we weren't going to be able to get home, safely. Your house was the closest of anyone, so I decided to make my way here and barely did. Our car roof narrowly missed getting struck by a tree branch at the end of your street. I still can't believe that after all  that, I would get cut so badly, only feet from your front door."

I patted the top of  Becca's right hand, that was sitting on the table. "I'm glad you are both here, safe and sound. You're not the only one that got caught off guard by this storm, by the way. Seems like the entire city wasn't aware of just how bad this was going to be. I've never seen anything like this here in Seattle."

"There are many trees down, traffic lights out and debris of all sorts and sizes is being funneled across the streets. It's a literal disaster zone outside and I'm thankful that Anna is safe. I'd throw myself under a semi-truck in order to save her. And I've actually seen winds and weather like this, but only once before."

"Callie and I are the same when it comes to our girls. There isn't a thing we wouldn't do to protect them, even if it meant risking our lives to do it. What happened the last time you experienced a storm like this before? Was it in Seattle?"

"You probably remember I grew up in Northern Washington, right?" I nodded my head as she continued. "Back in December of 1995, a massive windstorm like this hit Northern California, Oregon and Washington. The damage it caused cost hundreds of millions of dollars and left power outages, everywhere. I remember being in high school and missing four days of school because of a tree that crashed through the gymnasium roof."

"Becca, do you think this storm is as bad as the one in 1995?" 

"After what I just saw outside Arizona, I think it's going to be the same or even worse. The amount of damage I've already witnessed is going to take a long time to remediate. I wouldn't be surprised if you are stuck with us for a few days."

"All I care about is that everyone is safe and sound. And we always have plenty of food on hand, so I promise you two will be well fed, no matter how long you need to stay." We both shared a hug before I decided to scrutinize Teddy's handiwork.

"So, how did Teddy do with your sutures?" I was gently inspecting Teddy's meticulous position and placement along Becca's now closed lac. It looked like a robot had placed them they were so precise.

"She did perfectly, as always, and she got me to calm down. She somehow always seems to know what I need."

"Teddy is good that way. In the decade plus we've been friends, she always seems to be able to read my emotions like a book. She's definitely a keeper in my opinion."

"Arizona, I know you and Callie must realize Teddy and I have more going on than just being friends. Since we're both going to be in your house tonight, I want you guys to be aware if you weren't already."

I saw my opportunity and played stupid for a moment. "What exactly is going on between the two of you?"

Becca's face flushed red, as she looked down at the table for the words she was searching for. I was pleasantly surprised that she said, what she had and was hoping by her revealing their intimacy, their relationship might take a step forward.

"We both have feelings for each other, but it's just complicated, that's all."

I had a perplexed look on my face in response to Becca and was getting ready to pump her for more information when Teddy walked into the room and halted the discussion at hand.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now