Change of plans

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He can hear her heart pumping at a fast rate and the sweet scent of her blood settles in his nose. Oh how desperately he wanted to drain her right now. Salvia runs into his mouth as his demon instincts kick in again and tell him to go in for the kill.

He shakes his head to get rid of those thoughts. Why was he so out of controll? Usually he could suppress those instincts with ease, an ability that only more powerful demons held. He rapidly rises to his feet and strides out of the room without looking back.


Miri is still out of breath and tries to collect her thoughts again when suddenly Douma is gone. His unexplained departure leaves her alone amidst the pillows feeling a little uneasy. Why would he just storm off like that? At first it seemed like he was totally obsessed with her and in the next second he acts like he just touched a hot peace of coal after he gave her one of the best orgasms in her life. Not that it actualy mattered, the longer he would be gone, the better, she reminded herself shaking her head at her stupid thoughts.... Well Douma acted like a psychopath for sure...But it just didn't make sense!

She sits up and takes another look at the door where he left a little clueless what her next course of action would look like. For the moment it would even be a success to get out of this room let alone this mansion or temple or whatever this was... small steps now ... or so she thought. In fact, her whole plan got sabotaged when her legs gave out from underneath her and she stumbled to the ground again. Frustrated she pats her forehead on the floor. What an outstanding performance for one of the most talented demon slayers.

„Not working huh?". Confused Miri looks up to see Akaza still sitting on a couch leaned back with crossed legs. Oh shit. With Douma taking up all of her attention she had completely forgotten about Akaza! Oh if she could disappear into the ground right now, she wouldn't think twice about it. When she doesn't respond he gets up and leisurely strolls towards the pavillion. He stops right in front of her and she has to twist her neck uncomfortably to continue to look at him. His expression is somehow amused but also bored at the same time as he just stands there and looks down on her.

„Must have been pretty damn hot if you got Douma riled up like that" he states. „What is up with him?" Miri asks cautiously. „Hmm wanted you all to himself but can't handle his blood lust now it seems" Akaza grinns gleefuly „Well too bad for him". With those words he quickly picks Miri up like she weighs nothing and she shrieks „What are you doing? Akaza!". „I'm taking what's his" Akaza humms in content and steps through the corridors. Miri's mind was running fast. This was not good! How far would he go to piss Douma off? For Akaza she was surely just some human. He could snap her neck in a matter of seconds if he decided to do so. Also, why take her? Why don't just start a fight or whatever...
For now she decided it was best to stay quiet until she figured out his ultimate motives and to not piss him off in any way.


After what felt like hours they arrived at a newly built villa deep in a forest. She couldn't really tell where they were or what time it was because she dosed of several times on the way but judging from the light it was almost dawn. The villa looked pretty modern and had a big windowfront which she found weird because demons couldn't live in the sunlight, not even the Upper Moons. Probably the windows had some kind of filter or something. Akaza placed her on a big couch in the living room.

„ Here, do whatever you want, just know that you won't be able to leave the house and even if you were able to get out, I'd find you." He said over his shoulder already on his way to the kitchen.  „Don't you humans have to eat after some hours to stay alive?" He kicked open his fridge and thew a sandwich her way. Miri catched it perplexed. Indeed her stomach grumbled. „Yeah but why do you have food?"

„Why not? Just because I'm a demon it doesn't mean I don't like to taste human food sometimes. Well unless you prefere to volunteer ?" he glanced at her with a smug smile and she quickly looked down and opened her sandwich. „No I just didn't know..." she murmured quietly.

„Seems like there's a lot you demon slayers don't know" Akaza stated and leans into the counter while mustering her. „And what is that?" Miri tries to find out without pushing it too far. He sighs and leaves the kitchen. „You'd probably like to know, wouldn't you?" he says more to himself before he heads up the stairs and leaves Miri on her own.


He busts the door open as he rushes out to the garden. All Douma could think of was the sight of this demon slayer girl laying beneath him and how it felt every time she moaned his name. Every cell inside his body screamed at him to turn around and go back to her. All of his servants and followers stopped their work and bowed to him when they noticed him. He halt's his step and hastily looks over all of his followers. „You" he points at Nora, one of his most loyal followers „come with me now".

She stares at him with wide eyes and a happy grin „As you say, my lord" she hushes and walks towards him. Impatient Douma grabs her arm and drags her with him inside the mansion. The next moment his fangs bore into her neck. There was no warning and no tenderness, just his need for blood. He feels the girl's body tense from the pain but he continues drinking without making the bite any pleasurable like he did with Miri. More and more blood runs into his mouth but this feeling inside of him doesn't fade. He feels the body in his arms go limp before retreats his theeth and licks the blood from his lips finally snapping out of his haze.

The girl was unconscious but still alive he noticed as he placed her on a bed in one of the servant rooms. He nodded at some of his followers to take care of it and left. His urgent need for blood might be stilled for now but he still felt like he needed to be with Miri so bad. It was almost like an instinct that told him to lunge at her every time he saw her petite frame like a tiger at his prey. Still lost in his thoughts he reaches the main hall where he left her.

Something was off. He could neither smell her or sense her. As he enters the room he finds it completely abandoned.

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