Chapter 1: Headlines and Other Communications

Start from the beginning

Per the terms of their trial custody arrangement, Dan and Hermione Granger were to spend two weeks together at the Quidditch World Cup. Or, as Emma Granger called it, "that FIFA-on-a-broomstick thing." In exchange, Emma would have custody of Hermione for the last few days before their daughter boarded the Hogwarts Express, plus the entire Christmas break. And so, Emma was somewhat surprised when she arrived to pick up Hermione only to find that the girl was not at Dan's flat. Dan invited Emma in and led her to the kitchen.

"Hermione's still with the Blacks," he said. "She'll come through the Floo when I call for her. But first, we ... we need to talk about some things."

Instantly, Emma became suspicious. "What sort of things?"

"Would you like a drink?" he asked in lieu of answering her question. "You, um, might need it before we're done."

"Dan, what's going on? Why isn't Hermione here?"

He sighed loudly and carried two glasses and an already-opened bottle of Merlot to the kitchen table before sitting down. Slowly, Emma sat down opposite him.

"There ... something happened last night at the Quidditch Finals. Something bad. And it upset Hermione a great deal." He paused. "No, that's not right. It traumatized her. Hell, it traumatized me, and I'm a grown man. That's why she's not here. I thought it best if we talked together first, because I was afraid you might become upset. Honestly, I won't blame you if you do. But I'm worried about how it might affect our daughter if you get upset in front of her right now and we both start shouting at one another."

He poured himself a glass of wine before sliding the other glass and the bottle over to Emma.

"So here's what's going to happen. I'll tell you everything that happened to us last night. To us and a lot of other people. And then ... I'll tell you some things I learned today from Lord Black's solicitor and also from his Healer. Things about how Healers in Wizarding Britain help people to deal with traumatic events. Or more accurately, how they don't. And also things about exactly what sort of legal rights Muggle parents really have over their school-aged magical children while Hogwarts is in session. And then, you and I will work out what we're going to do. What's going to happen next. Only then will I call Hermione over so we can talk with our daughter as a family. Okay?"

Emma stared intently at the father of her child. Then, she poured herself a glass of wine as well.

"Alright. Start talking."

The night before ...

After the harrowing events that took place following the QWC Final, the Grangers, the Blacks, and their associated friends had rendezvoused at Dan's SUV, and they quickly decided to drive straight to Blackstone, Harry's manor house in Wales, to regroup, as no one was in a condition to Apparate and Blackstone was significantly closer than London by car.

The group arrived at Blackstone at 4:00 a.m. and immediately summoned the Tonkses despite the late hour. For the most part, everyone involved had suffered only cuts and bruises, though Andromeda paled upon seeing that Harry showed signs of Cruciatus exposure. After a quick round of healing spells and potions, the children were sent to bed. Meanwhile, Ted repaired the last of Padfoot's injuries and undid Tiberius Nott's curse that had locked him into his Animagus form. Sirius resumed his true form only to be roughly shoved down onto a sofa by his younger brother when he looked wobbly on his feet.

Only then did the adults sit down and talk about what had happened to them all. For his part, despite the Calming Draught he'd accepted gracefully, Dan was horrified at everything that had happened, but most of all over the fact that his little girl had executed someone to save his life. Archie had no explanation of what magic she'd used, as Sectumsempra was not a spell he'd ever heard of before, but he assured the Muggle that Hermione would face no legal jeopardy for her actions. Aside from the fact that no one witnessed the werewolf's death at her hands, in Britain, it was effectively legal to kill werewolves on sight if they presented any sort of threat to others, a legal standard that was interpreted broadly and heavily against the werewolves. There was a reason that werewolves were seldom seen on British shores, notwithstanding the events of the previous night and also the notorious attack on Hogsmeade on Halloween of the previous year.

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