Chapter 43: The Hunting of Sirius Black (Conclusion)

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27 March 1994
The Hogwarts Main Foyer
8:40 p.m.

Minerva McGonagall had been grading papers when she was startled by a gleaming stag Patronus appearing in her office to announce that James Potter and a squad of Aurors were coming to Hogwarts to investigate a murder. Moments later, she was at the front doors of the castle and was understandably vexed to see Jim Potter and Ron Weasley preparing to open the doors themselves.

"Mr. Potter! Mr. Weasley! It is quite late, and curfew will soon be in effect. This is no time to be outside."

"Professor, what's going on?" Jim asked anxiously. "We were in the Astronomy Tower, and we saw something strange happening in the Forbidden Forest. There was a weird light, and then the Dementors all went down to investigate. And ... I think I heard my godfather using the Sonorous Charm and saying something about ... Sirius Black!"

"Mr. Potter!" McGonagall said again with strained asperity. "At the moment, I know nothing about those matters, but your father will be here momentarily. If he asks for your presence, you may remain. Otherwise, you will return to Gryffindor Tower at once! Do I make myself clear?"

Both boys nodded, and the professor stepped forward to unbar the door. Then, she stepped out onto the porch to meet the Chief Auror and the squad that accompanied him.

Meanwhile in the Forbidden Forest...

While the Dementors were momentarily cowed, the quartet made their way swiftly around the lake towards the edge of the Forest.

"So if we can't take Sirius to the Chamber of Secrets," Neville asked, "where are we taking him?"

"The Quidditch lockers. My broom is locked up there."

Sirius frowned. "Unless they've redone the grounds since I was here last, those lockers are on the opposite side of the school. Given all the commotion we've made, can we get that far without being spotted?"

Harry stopped suddenly and put up his hand. Then, he waved his wand and whispered the incantation for the Supersensory Charm.

"Apparently not," he whispered angrily. "I can see James ... and it looks like a half-dozen Aurors. They've just entered the gates and are headed for the castle.

"Is there another way out of here?" Neville asked. Theo looked thoughtful and then turned to Sirius.

"Mr. Black, how were you in Care of Magical Creatures?"

"Call me Sirius. And I took it all the way to NEWTs and got an O." Sirius looked at the boy suspiciously. "Why?"

Moments later ...

The clearing where the Hippogriff herd rested during the nights was uncomfortably near the edge of the Forest, specifically Hagrid's hut. But it was still inside the Forest which the Aurors had not yet begun to search. Neville, ever the Gryffindor, took point by slowly walking up to Buckbeak (who was still wide awake) and bowing respectfully. After a few tense seconds, Buckbeak returned the bow, and Neville led the creature over towards the others.

Sirius looked at the Hippogriff dubiously. He had, in fact, ridden a Hippogriff during his school days, though he'd been a Sixth Year NEWT student at the time. He was astonished (and slightly horrified) to know that his godson had done so on the very first day of CoMC. Then, he eyed Buckbeak with trepidation before shrugging almost casually.

"Oh, well. I'm sure it's just like riding a bicycle," he said. "Once you've done it, you never forget how."

"You know how to ride a bicycle?" Harry asked with some surprise.

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