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Ahaan Malhotra.A successful businessman. 25 year old. He doesn't care about anyone except his family.
His brother is the most important person to him.

His brother is the most important person to him

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Ayana Mehra. 23 years old. Cheerful and bubbly girl. Always helpful to others. Care about others more than herself.

 Care about others more than herself

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Adwitya Malhotra. 24 years old. Ahaan's younger brother and COO of Malhotra enterprise. A cute and caring boy. Loves Ahaan and can do anything for him.

 Loves Ahaan and can do anything for him

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Vedayi Khandelwal. 25 years old. Ayana's best friend. A rich independent woman. She loves her best friend because she's the only one that ever cared about her.

 She loves her best friend because she's the only one that ever cared about her

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