1.Dark Truths and Drunken Thoughts

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The earlier done, the better.

I was already in San Francisco unpacking all my luggages one by one. It was going to be a long week. If I got lucky and found the traders in two days, that is before Friday, without inflicting any trouble in the process i could attend the interview carefree.

I worked in one of the company's that was in partnership with Luca Corps. And now here I am, trying to get a job as a personal assistant of one of the Lucas' himself from being a mere worker who he doesn't even know, or would even try to get to know in a million years.

That is if I get the job.

I zeroed in on the docks from the view of the hotel room. It was cosy with creamy white walls and a whole side of a wall was made of glass. One room with bed and all furnitures tucked in. Not congested, but convenient. And what was its real speciality is that, I had a perfect view of the docks from here. From my room. I didn't have to hide nor sneak, the building was in a blind spot and made it a good hiding spot.

All shipments were in my sight and all the loading and unloading stuff could be seen from here. Clearly everything.

And i had not taken my eyes off that place for even a moment. I was like a hawk watching it prey (exaggeration, for real. I took a coffee break...luch too) it was evening for god's sake and nothing suspicious happened. I'm stopping.

Will the trade happen at night? That is more.... convenient to believe. Midnight, to be exact, from all those movies. Maybe I should just be patient. Patience is a virtue.

(Time skip)
A few hours later.

I'm standing in the docks. Don't ask me why.

I groaned. The smell of fish was fuming out in the air. I'm sure the boxes in front of me is stacked with rotten fishes. I held back my urge to puke.

Stay strong, hard work always pays off, bae.

I was crouching down and trying so hard to hold my breath so I won't inhale all those foul smells in the air around me. An engine roared and died off. Followed by many more. Some one is here. I crouched down further, hiding away from whoever it was.

Faint clinging of chains. I looked towards the source of noise. Men, women, even children were chained. They had a collar around their neck, the chains from them were connected to the metal cuffs around their wrist and ankles. People of all age was emerging from a container and walking towards another container. There were guards surveying the lines and taking counts. All were in black suits with earpieces and guns strapped across their waistbands. Dangerous men, tall and muscular.

Almost most of the victims were tripping over the wires strangling them. Kids wailing loud, clinging to their mothers only to pulled off and pushed in to line. Screams were rewarded with more than a loud bang with a metal bat that made the person unconscious, not dead, with one hit.

My eyes were watering. This is not the time for sentiment. Get yourself together. I took an inaudible deep breathe and exhaled. My heart thumped louder in my chest as I clicked a few photos from the camera in my phone and was ready to send it to a man whom I knew worked in the press. My fingers hovered over the send button. Before my skin could graze the skin the phone was pulled away from my hands. I let out a sudden yelp and jumped back. My eyes locked with the dark orbs of a guard going through my phone. He broke the phone in to two pieces with an audible click.

All the noises became faint. I'm caught. I'm caught. I'm so fucked. God. I mentally groaned. A fist came flying to my face and I dodged it. Missing the punch by inches. I couldn't react when a perfect kick landed on my gut and I was toppling over. My hands clutched my stomach real hard. I was left wheezing for air as I felt the oxygen being drained off my lungs. I coughed, spitting blood.

Before another punch could land on my face, someone kept their hand in between the guards fist and my face. I tried hard to take in the features of his face even though my eye lids dropped from the side effects of just one kick. That's what happens when you're not physically fit or haven't trained for a few months. The world is unpredictable.

I looked deeper into the man in front of me.

His eyes....they are.... alluring. Dim blue irises that was vast as an ocean reflecting moonlight. His face was close that I could see every tiny details. Sculptures jaws, perfect brows.

The gods favourite creation by choice.


I snapped out of my trance. It just registered on my mind that I was still standing, unbelievable but true. There was a trail of blood dripping from the sides of my mouth. I wiped them with the back of my hand. The scarlet liquid now smudged. I don't have to check in the mirror to know it's smudged.

"Dungeon" was the only word that left his mouth and my breathe hitched. His voice so... addictive. Deep, smooth, gentle. Like a breeze on a summer night. Like warm sunshine on winter.

Realisation was a wave of Tsunami.


A group of guards grabbed my wrist and i squirmed under their grip. Thrusting violently like a fish out of water. All the while, he watched me. Watch me suffer from his scrutiny.

"Fucking assholes! LEAVE ME" I yelled. Trying to wriggle out of their strong hands.

I was blindfolded. A cloth was kept near my nostrils. Anaesthesia. I should not breathe. I should not breathe. My breath holding capacity was soo low that after a few seconds i gave up and the scent was now running in my blood streams. Pulling me into a deep slumber. I couldn't help myself as my eyes grew heavy and my body too. I couldn't hold myself anymore. My knees hit the floor, followed by my whole figure and the floor was colder than Antarctica.

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