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Good Day, Ma'am and Sir.
Welcome to Coffee Corner
Where all foods and drinks are served with love.

"We serve you with Love"

This story is dedicated to those who have been in caught and trapped in what so called as Love. This is dedicated to you who feels butterflies in your stomach when you are with the person you love. This is dedicated to you who have been through loneliness until they found their love, who found who they long for. And, this is dedicated to all of you who believe in the magic of love.

Love is not something you do, it's something you fall into. We can't dictate our hearts to love one person among billion and billions of people in the world. Finding love is like a journey, we may not find what we're looking for now but surely we will. And once we found love, there's no turning back.

Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to be loved. And everyone deserves to feel that they're being loved and being cared by someone.

The story contains cheesy, corny, cliche yet admirable scenes. Scenes are not based solely on personal experience of the author. Be ready to experience cringe upon reading as this story offers you a brand new experience of love story, family and teenage life.

Also, let me apologize ahead of time for the delayed update because of other priorities. However, let's be thrilled with the rollercoaster feels of the story. The story is not solely in Filipino language as it also contains English conversations. Names of the characters are based on Japanese names as the author loves incorporating uniqueness unto the characters.

Be reminded that names, events, and places in this story are only based on the author's imagination. All resemblance to any actual names, events and places are purely coincidence.

Happy reading!

Read at your own risk!
Corny level max!

Good day. I hope you're doing fine and well.

This is writeful_bunny, happy to bring you stories that will traverse you to a new realm of love and excitement.

You might have notice that the title of story and the name of the author keep on changing and that is because of the author's imagination. Technically, the author changed its name to make it more appealing. The same with the title of the story. It's the matter of uniqueness and principle of originality. As the name and title has been settled, the author is now all set to make your reading time a wonderful experience of adventure that transcends in every pages.

Anyhow, I am a first-timer here in Wattpad universe. Your welcome has been very much appreciated. I am very overwhelmed with the incredible stories in this platform and with the number of readers. I hope this story of mine would be one of readers' fave. As this story is still on it's debut, I am open for constructive criticism and suggestions to improve my works and crafts.

Moreover, please bear with the typographical errors and misspellings as polishing of the contents is still underway. Do not be disappointed with those technical errors. The story also offers you a modern feels with the chat types or text types parts. Thus, this story will give you a romance on an another level.

With scenes brought to you by this story, I hope you will find enjoyment. Writing is my hobby and I wanted to share this passion to all the readers. If you find the story a fun read, please drop your hearts. You may also connect with me to my other social media accounts so I could give you my regards and gratitude for reading my stories.

For dedication, you may chat me on my Wattpad account or to my other social media accounts.

Don't forget also to vote and share your comments.

Let's have a fun and wonderful journey towards every pages!

Happy Reading!

This story contains English and Tagalog conversations and parts. The story isn't completely in Tagalog. All the scenes, happenings and characters are only products of the author's imagination.

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses and events are either products of author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this story may reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storages and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author except when permitted by law.

Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "purloining and publication" of another author's language, thoughts, ideas and expressions and the representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics.

Plagiarism is a crime.

©Got into his  trouble. All Rights Reserved. September 2021. (Republished 2023)

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