Trolls Anniversary + BroZone Sleepover Update!

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Hey, guys!! First off, I want to mention that last night I got 549 reads!!! 😱😱😱😱 To celebrate, I had chocolate ice cream last night, which was sooo delicious!! Also, what a coincidentally, Chapter Two was all about the BroZone brothers having ice cream and Branch was having chocolate ice cream, so this is such a connection we have. Both of us LOVE chocolate ice cream!! 

This morning, I woke up in SHOCK. I was writing the Madagascar fanfic story and when I was done, I went over to Wattpad to check on my stories and notifications and that's when I looked at BroZone Sleepover. It has reached 626 READS!! 😱😱😱😱

Oh my gosh!! It had 74 reads overnight when I was sleeping. I'm sooo happy and grateful that this story is going great and that you guys really LOVE this story!! Thank you!!!

Also, to mention that the song John Dory sang from Chapter Two is "Alone Again Naturally" which is an actual original song. But what inspired me to have JD sing this is that I heard this song from Ice Age 3, which I grew up loving the franchise, especially the third one.

I originally was going to have John Dory sing his own version of "Alone Again Naturally", but didn't. Maybe he might sing some parts of it in this story in future chapters or I'll make a oneshot of it one day.


Happy 7th Anniversary of Trolls!!!

Yaaay!!! I hope to watch the movie today, but if I can't I want to at least listen to the songs from the movie and at least watch some clips, since I'm going to be a bit busy today as I'm going to a book event today with my family

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Yaaay!!! I hope to watch the movie today, but if I can't I want to at least listen to the songs from the movie and at least watch some clips, since I'm going to be a bit busy today as I'm going to a book event today with my family. 

I can't believe that I've been into Trolls since I was 14 years old. I enjoyed it very much and that's when I fell in love with Branch. He reminded me of me and I loved his sarcasm too!! And that's when I wished for a Branch toy of him and my dream came true years later when I got one for my 20th birthday. I LOVE YOU BRANCH!!


1. Who is your favorite character from Trolls?

2. What are your fave songs from Trolls?


Next Chapter of BroZone Sleepover Update

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Next Chapter of BroZone Sleepover Update

You may be wondering.....when will I post the next chapter? Unfortunately it won't be today due to being busy, going out with my family. Although I'm not posting another chapter today, I'm hoping to do the next chapter tomorrow (Sunday, November 5th), so stay tune for it. Also, to mention that I hope to have a proper schedule to when I'm going to post the chapters of this story. But one thing you guys can expect is that I'm hoping to at least post a chapter of this chapter on my birthday (Monday, November 13th). I can't wait for this to happen and I'm going to be soooo happy to post it on that day. 

But wait, before you guys go......I want to share a.......QUICK EXCERPT OF CHAPTER THREE BROZONE SLEEPOVER!! SURPRISE!!!


~At Spruce's Place~

After saying goodnight to his kids and talking to his wife Brandi about hosting a BroZone Sleepover tomorrow, Spruce went into his own bedroom. Yes, he had his own personal bedroom, his man cave. Filled with his favorite items, posters, and a huge photograph of himself, which he loved very much. He grabbed his laptop from his desk and sat on his bed, opening his laptop.

Spruce cracked his knuckles. "Okay, time to find and book the perfect hotel room. Hmmm...near the beach....around five to ten minutes to walk there. Hmmm...let's see what I can find."

He continued to look some more for hotel rooms.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~At Branch's Bunker~

After changing back into his clothes and doing his bedtime routine, including putting on his pajamas, Branch walked into his bedroom and greeted Gary who sat on his bed.

Gary said nothing to him, but Branch nodded, knowing that it was his son's way of communicating. Okay, he would make interesting crackling noises too, but tonight, he was communicating in silence.

Branch got down onto the bed's level, eyeing Gary. "Daddy's going to a sleepover tomorrow, so he must make a quick list of what he needs. Okay? Then we'll have Daddy and Son bonding time of reading a book, okay?"

Again, Gary said nothing, but he fell forward on the bed, which Branch indicated that he was responding with a yes. Branch grabbed a notebook and pen, creating this list of what he needed for the sleepover.

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