Chapter 9

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The next morning, you received a call from Namjoon asking you to come with him for a moment. You couldn't deny him so after informing your mother-in-law, you left. Taehyung was at the office and promised to be back sooner before the party starts.

After last night, a lot of things changed between the two of you. The usual plain goodnight greetings changed into a goodnight kiss. In the morning, he woke you up with breakfast in bed and placed another kiss on your temple before leaving. You were giddy the whole morning so the need to meet a friend and tell them everything that happened increased tenfold. Namjoon was that friend for you.

Your driver took you to the boutique and you found him waiting with his bike outside the place. You asked your driver to go back since Namjoon would insist on dropping you home.

"Good morning beautiful" he greeted you with a smile. You greeted back, with the same radiant smile. It was the weekend and so the boutique was closed. When Namjoon called you, you thought he wanted your help with his designs or something like that but then he offered you the helmet and gestured to you to get on the bike.

"Are we going somewhere?" You asked, strapping up the helmet over your head. 

"Yes. I want to bring you somewhere. Also, i have an important thing to talk to you about" he gave vague answers and put on his own helmet before starting the bike. 

The ride was short and he parked outside a restaurant which you know was owned by one of Namjoon's friends. He got off the bike and helped you with your helmet. Both of you made your way inside and were greeted by an attendant. 

"I've never been to this place before. It looks cozy" you commented, looking around the homey place. 

"It opened up recently. Not a lot of people know about this place yet" Namjoon said, looking through the menu card while a man arrived at your table with the most radiant smile you've come across. 

"Good morning ma'am, sir. What can I help you with?" The man asked, a smile pasted on his face. 

"YN, this is Hoseok Hyung. He owns the place. Hyung, this is YN, the girl I told you about" Namjoon introduced both of you. The way he lingered a little while telling hoseok about you rang a little bell in your head somewhere but you overlooked it thinking it was just Namjoon. 

"Oh! It's so nice to meet you Miss YN. I've heard about you" he greeted you with yet another one of his radiating smiles. Hoseok should be announced as the brand ambassador of the world's most beautiful smile. In the 10 minutes you've met him, you've already procured enough positivity to last for a year. He was a very lively person. 

"What would you like to have today? We have the specials ready. And your usual, Namjoon" Hoseok said. And after taking both of your orders for brunch, he left. 

"He seems nice" you complimented Hoseok. He deserved all the compliments for who he was. Namjoon nodded. He looked a little restless for someone so calm and composed all the time. 

"Everything alright with you Namjoon? You look pale" you asked, genuinely worried about your friend.

"YN, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now" He finally said after taking a few seconds to breathe. Your heart hitched hearing the seriousness of his tone. What was bothering him so much?

"YN… I i- umm. See, I am aware of you being m… " Namjoon was saying but the waiter intruded with the food. Namjoon looked down, rubbing his forehead while you looked at him confusedly and took the food from the man. 

"I think you're not fine, Namjoon. You should be home taking rest" you said, worried that his health might be bad for him to pale like this. 

"No. I'm fine. Perfectly fine. I just wanted to confess to you. About me. About my feelings" you blinked, not understanding what he meant by that. 

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