Chapter 4

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Ash stood at the door, big smile on his face, with a bag that looked like the second it opened it would overflow. "Heya Goh!" Ash said, clearly excited. I loved seeing him that happy.

"Hey Ash! I um.. I just made food, so I hope you're hungry!" I say, probably overly excited to be talking about food, but I know Ash loves pretty much all food, so his face went from excited to overly excited I thin seconds. "I knew I could smell something yummy! Mind if I come in?" Said Ash, looking over my shoulder, probably to get a smell of what I made.

"Yeah! Come in!" I move over, letting Ash run to the kitchen. I cant help but giggle at seeing him so excited over something I did, I already know I'm blushing. I walk into the kitchen and I see Ash hanging over the food, his mouth watering.

"Did you make these 'cos I like them?" He says with a smirk. "Either that or we just like the same food!" He looks a little too happy, I feel like he's just trying to push away his sad feelings for his happy ones, because I know he's worried about me. He's worried about everyone.

I sigh, but it wasn't because I was annoyed. I pass Ash some chopsticks for the dumplings "dig in!" Ash quickly takes the chopsticks from me and starts eating, his face lighting up when he takes a bite. "Oh Goh! These are delicious!" I feel the heat rising to my face. I look away. "Aw well.. I'm glad you like them!"


Ash finishes all of the dumplings after a few minuets and then starts eating the scones. "I hope you don't mind me staying over, I just wanna make sure you're safe and be with one of my best friends while we.. wait for Misty!" I hate seeing him so sad, but he called me his best friend? So that's amazing. "It's not a bother! My parents aren't home much so if they have a problem with it then they can get over it. They won't even see you often so, it shouldn't be a problem for them either!"

"Hey goh?" Ash asks, his tone seems a little sad honestly. "Yeah Ash?" I tilt my head slightly. "Do you think.. Serena has a crush on me?" My heart sinks. "Do you have a crush on her?" I say, with a hint of sadness in my voice. "God no! She just keeps messaging me and messaging me and ugh! I want her to leave me alone!" I smile a little "do you have a crush on anyone? Not Serena but like, anyone." He blushes a little and flinches. "I-I think so..? I dunno, he-" he suddenly pauses "i-I didn't mean to say he! I-I meant-" I cut him off, not caring if it was rude "you have a crush on a guy?" He seems to blush deeply now. He nods, very slowly. "Oh! That's cool! Me too!" I don't really feel scared admitting this, I'm doing this because it'll put his mind at ease

He says something that sort of shocked me though, because he said it in an uncomfortable tone.

"Oh. You're gay? Huh.."

This is really short IM SORRY

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