"You downgraded D" He chuckled. "Excuse me?" He shook his head this time.

"You downgraded to a punk ass nigga" I had opened my mouth to cuss him out but Lucas spoke up before me. "Nigga you can't even buy a Gucci belt,shut yo broke ass up" I closed me mouth and looked at Lucas and then Jayshawn.

"But you the nigga who still livin wit his mama" Jayshawn backfired. "But you still live on the streets..... literally" I laughed so hard inside because it was true.

Jayshawn didn't have anywhere to stay when we were together years ago. When I was back at my hometown I used to let him stay over with me and my Aunt Nina. It took her a while to get used to him even though she never liked him. She respected the so called love we had for each other so she let him stay some nights in my room. We didn't have sex at all during our relationship so she trusted me because I had already planned my future. It didn't change when I met Jayshawn so I guess that's when he decided to mess around with someone else while he was still with me. I learned that every guy isn't somebody you change your life for and I'm going to keep my future I had in mind no matter what.

"You know what.. I don't talk I shoot so if you wanna get at me meet me at PJ crip" Jayshawn stated backing off ad turning around.That name PJ sounded familiar but I couldn't think of why so I pushed it out my mind. "No problem." Lucas said to him and grabbed my arm tightly leading me down the isle.

"Lucas I'm fine can you let me go now" His grip loosened. "Sorry ma" I almost forgot my basket so I grabbed it as we walked to the register.

"...and don't be throwin no shit at me like that." I laughed a little."Should've never said what you said to me." "Whatever.."

We walked up to the small line and once it was our turn we put the paints up so that the cashier could check us. When we were finished we walked out the store and just then I realized something and stopped dead in my tracks. Lucas looked at me like he was worried. "What?"

"You know Jayshawn??" His look softened a little but he shook his head.

"Yeah I know that punk ass nigga...... how you know him though" We started walking to the car now. "He was my ex." He sighed.

"But how do you know him" When we made it to the car I unlocked it with the key ring and opened the trunk. "I don't wanna talk all about that... but long story short.. he fucked up my trust for him and me and that nigga ain't been cool for years" I nodded my head in understandment while putting the paints inside.

He offered to put away the basket so I just got inside the car to wait for him. I put on my seatbelt and turned on the ignition. I kept thinking about how him and Lucas knew eachother but weren't friends, and why Jayshawn came to LA..

I tried to think about something else but I was to irritated.

Lucas finally came back and got inside the car and strapped up letting me know he was ready to go. My phone vibrated in my lap, I looked down to see Jhene calling me. I picked it up and answered.

ME: "Hello?"

JASMINE: "Hey, y'all almost done shopping"

ME: "Yeah we just got done you need the car"

JASMINE: "Well yeah actually because I have to go pick up some medicine for my mom.. and tell Lucas mom said she loves him, she said she didn't get to say good morning when he kissed her good morning because she was too tired.."

ME: "Okay hold on.."

I looked at quiet Lucas and raised my brow.

"You okay?" He quickly looked up and nodded his head yes. "Yeah I'm straight ma"

"Oh.. well Jasmine told me to tell you that your mom said she loves you, she didn't get to say goodmorning because she was too tired." "Tell her its okay.."

I put my phone back to my ear.

ME:"He said its okay"

JASMINE:"Thankyou, I'll see you when you get here..."

ME:"Okay.... bye"

I hung up the phone and stared pulling out the parking space. "Your not gonna meet Jayshawn are you" I said hoping he'd say he won't go. I didn't want Lucas going because I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me.. or any reason at all.

"Nigga wanted to meet so we gone meet." I sighed, still keeping my eyes on the road and thought a little.

What would his mom do if he got hurt? I couldn't take that risk.

"He's not worth wasting a bullet for Lucas" He shook his head not trying to listen to what I was saying. "No.. really Lucas .. He's probably setting you up to get jumped or something." I stopped at a red light and looked over at him.

"He told you to shoot and your going to shoot.. that's just like if he tells you to jump off of a building because your life seems horrible and you do as he says but you don't die because there's a saftey blanket at the bottom with random people with knives ready to stab you."

"That's a horrible ass example" He chuckled which made me chuckle. "But still.. I insist you not go because he looks like he's up to no good." I looked back at the road and started driving again once the light turned green.

"Look like somebody give a fuck about a nigga..." I laughed this time and shook my head. "I guess I'm being a good ........ whats that word...... friend"

"Whatever.... Ima call you Dickhead" I did a double chin while still keeping my eyes on the road. "Fuck with me and I'll call you Lucious" we both laughed as I finally drove up to the apartment building.


HEY YOU GUYS.. I'm sorry I didn't update like I said I had some assignments to finish up and I'm sorry this chapter is a little shorter than hoped but I'll try to have a longer chapter next time I update. Love y'all

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