Chapter 10

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NCIS Headquarters

Ziva, Gibbs, Abby, Ducky and Tim were sitting in the bullpen when Tony comes back very distraught. Ziva notices first.

" Who was that Tony? You seem nervous.." Ziva says. Gibbs and the others look over at him.

" I-I'll be back gotta call my dad." Tony says and walks out grabbing his phone going towards the elevator. Gibbs looks after him slightly confused.

Gibbs picks up his phone and dials the front office.

" Who was up front... a girl....what was her name...I need to know now...I'll get my team on it." Gibbs says.

" Pull up the security cameras from the front up Timothy." Gibbs says.

Tim nods and brings up the cameras.

" She looks nervous." Ziva notices. Gibbs continues to look at the footage.

" She fidgets a lot and is wearing very covering clothes." Tim says. Ziva looks at him confused.

" What does that have to do with anything." Ziva says.

Gibbs let them talk awhile.

" They look alike." Abby says suddenly interrupts them.

They all pause.

" Are they related? Tony never has mentioned a sister or cousin when his father came down." Ziva says.

" Get a ID on her. I want her everything on her." Gibbs says. Tim does lots of typing.

" oh wow, ok her name is Ally Dinozzo-Amies. Married to Adam Amies. He's in the military. S-she's Tony Dinozzos Sr daughter...she's Tony's sister..." Tim says.

" Sister?" Everyone says besides Gibbs.

A/N: Comment what you guys think!!!!

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