The Pilot Part 1-2

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Catcher wrote this Chapter!

Deep in the ghost zone past all the doors, far from the bridge, a chase was happening.

"Ha ha! Is that all you got?!" A female voice called out, she was young looking girl with black hair with a blond streak through it. She was flying at top speed as something pink and glowing passed her, barely missing her.

"Get back here!" Another voice called, still female but deeper and with a strong accent. She chased the younger girl trying her hardest to catch her.

"Missed me!" The younger one called out as her captor pulled back her weapon. It was a lasso made of chains, chains that could hurt and weaken any ghost it touched. The young girl knew this and this was why she was trying her hardest to get away from the one who was chasing her. "You're so close! Closer then ever!" She yelled out with another laugh but deep down she was getting slightly concerned. This WAS the closes her captor had ever come to catching her, she had to think of a way to get away and fast or else she was going to be dragged back to Walker and his prison sooner then she has wanted to.

Dodging another attempt at being caught she looked around at her surroundings, they had gone farther out of the ghost zone then ever, in fact, in the back of her mind the girl vaguely remembered this part of the ghost zone, it had been a long time since she had been here. Looking forward she saw what was hopefully her saving grace. "Oh hell yeah!" she thought before feeling something snag her foot "AH!" She cried out in shock as she was pulled back.

"Got you!" The other ghost said pulling her prey to her, the lasso had caught the younger girls foot at the last second and now it was pulled tight around her ankle. "Finally I got you, I have been so sick of chasing you!" The ghost said as she pulled the younger to her.

"Oh come on now, it's been fun, you know you love it." The young girl said, she had to think of a way to get out of here and fast, she looked to her captor and tried to think. She looked the other over and thought of something "You know, I've always LOVED your hair! It's so long and white and pretty." She said getting pulled closer and closer.

"I don't care." The older one said as she grabbed the younger by the shirt.

"But you should care! You know it looks so soft, I've always wanted to touch it!" The young girl said before quickly reaching out and pulling on the others hair, pulling it hard and to cover her face.

"Hey!" The white haired ghost yelled out in surprise, letting go of the chains the younger one was able to free herself and book it "сволочь!" she yelled as her hair floated back in place on the side of her as she took off once again chasing the younger one.

"Sorry but I can't stay! Your hair is really pretty though!" The younger called as she flew as fast as she could to the bridge that was now only a hundred yards away, if she could get to there she could get to the human world and hide! It had been so long since she had been in the human world it made her both nervous and excided! As she got closer to it though the nervousness started to win "Am I really about to do this?" She thought but as she saw a blur of pink in the corner of her eye, she came to a quick decision "Yes I am!" She said to herself before closing her eyes and passing thought the gate, much to the horror of the one behind her. "NO!"


It was an sunny Monday morning in Amity Park, much to the dismay of 3 teens.

"Uggggh!" Danny groaned as he let out another yawn.

"Did you not sleep at all?" Sam asked looking at the black haired boy.

"Not really, I was up late trying to study for today's test." Danny said yawning once more.

"Well If you HAD studied this weekend then you wouldn't have had to stay up late last night." Tucker said.

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