Chapter 15-Sand In Unfortunate Places

Start from the beginning

He seems keen to discuss more formal training routines too, which is something I've been wanting to work on more as of late. If you want to hang with the best of the best, then it takes a lot more effort than simply obtaining a lucky egg and dropping the local Audino population to near zero.

So far, I've worked out a basic routine for all three team members. It definitely needs touching up on, but I'll have plenty of time to change it up later.


-Voice Training (daily)
Note: Remember to ask Inga for more advanced techniques, if available.

-Telekinetic Practice (3 hours of sustained work while traveling, or 1 hour of more intense work, location permitting). Carrying around boulders, or similarly heavy objects should work fine. If none are available, then this can be foregone.

-Cardio/Stamina building exercises (every other day in rotation with move practice)

-Protect-can currently be sustained for two seconds, aim to increase time.

-Wake Up Slap-The move is fine as is, though I'd like a two handed variation, in hopes of making learning Close Combat easier down the line. Smashing boulders or troublesome wild Pokémon seems like the path to success here.


-Physical training. Have her pull heavy objects with the strings she produces. This way, she's getting two types of training at once.

-Ember-Larvesta sometimes has difficulty controlling the recoil when this move is released from her horns. It knocks her back several feet. Perhaps this could be honed into a movement technique?

-Protect-Larvesta can only sustain this for half a second. Just like Meloetta, this could ideally be increased.

-Struggle Bug-Larvesta is actually quite talented with this technique, though she has to break up her movement to activate it. Overcoming this disadvantage is paramount.


-Physical training. Same as before, though Pawniard is more limited by not having hands to carry things. Regardless, she can still do Push-ups and the like, which are just as beneficial for Pokémon as they are humans.

-I'd like to see if I can try to get her to start developing more proper swordsmanship too. It's been done before. Pokémon like Lucian's gallade and Wikstrom's Aegislash are practically divine in terms of skill.

-Sucker Punch-This move drains Pawniard's stamina like nothing else. I remember it had low PP in the games. Since that doesn't exist here, I guess that's how it translated over. Obviously, this is something that is just going to have to be fixed with practice.

It's a rough plan, sure, but at least it's better than the nonexistent one I had before. Speaking of keeping track, I'm going to have commiting Pokémon abilities and the common moves they learn to memory. Boring as that sounds, I need to make sure I don't try to water down a mon' with water absorb, lest I embarrass myself on live television.

Hopefully, by the time I get to Sinnoh, the routes will be more filled out with trainers I can battle. Out here is a desolate wasteland, but at least there are still some Pokémon to fight...


Only when you heard the familiar sounds of combat, were you distracted from your scribblings. You set the journal down with a sigh, before rubbing at the excess of perspiration on your face. "They're still at it, Huh? It's been...what? Two hours? Two and a half?"

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