Invasion Malfunction

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, just the OC. Please support the official release.

Zord Hangar - The Himalayas

Nero stands on a platform admiring the massive structure obscured in shadows.

"Soon, you'll be ready for deployment, and they won't see us coming." Nero mutters. "Alpha."

On cue, Alpha walks into view. "Yes, Nero?"

"Give a full status of the project. How soon can I expect this to be complete?" He asked.

A ring of holographic screens appear in front of Alpha as he scrolls through each one. "Construction is 96.99% complete. The Photon Power Core you built is running at optimal efficiency."

That's Galvan intellect for you. "What about its weapons systems?"

Alpha taps on one of the screens and it enlarges. "Well, there seems to be a 6-second delay between the weapon system and the onboard computer. I don't know what it is yet but I'll run some tests as soon as possible."

"... any news from the Dark Fortress?"

Alpha shakes his head. "No, they've been completely radio silent."

'I don't like this.' Nero thought. "Let's head back to the Power Chamber. Maybe something's been picked up on the scanners."

"Roger that." The two then teleport out of the hangar and back into the control room.

Alpha quickly gets to work while Nero sits on the swivel chair. He looks at the Viewing Globe and sees a thunderstorm raging outside. "That's concerning."

"Indeed." Alpha trembles. "Oh, I've never been good with thunder. Even though Zordon and I harnessed its power to build the Thunderzords, it was still too scary." He suddenly jolts at the loud thunderclap. "AI YI YI YI YI!!!"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay." Nero grabs onto Alpha's shoulders for comfort. "How about we go to bed, hm? It's already late. I'm sure the storm will pass in the morning.

"O-Okay." Alpha nods and the two leave.

However, neither of them notice the multiple descending on the screen.

Midday - Angel Grove

It is a sunny day in downtown Angel Grove, people can be seen walking around to various places.

Nero walks through the crowd wearing a navy blue t-shirt, khaki jeans and a pair of black/orange sneakers. It turns out that the Power Chamber is equipped with its own Synthetron, except much bigger and allowed for more options such as clothes.

As he walks, he notices two familiar faces not too far from him. "Is that Cassie and Carlos? Why are they with a little kid?" He runs towards them. "Hey!"

The two disguised rangers turn to the voice. "Hey, isn't that the kid we talked to in the Surf Spot?"

"Yeah, I think his name was Nero." Carlos adds.

Nero runs up to them. "Hey, long time no see!"

"Hey, Nero. Good to see you." Cassie said.

"Yeah man. How's it goin'?" Carlos adds.

Nero smiles. "I'm glad you guys remember me." He then looks down at the kid. "And who's the kid?"

Cassie looks at Nero. "This is Patrick. He's a kid we met the day before." She turns to the boy. "What's wrong?"

"You'll never believe me, even my best friends won't listen." Patrick sniffles.

"You know Patrick, you've told a lot of big stories and so many that it's made people wonder what to believe. You know what I mean?" Cassie asks and the boy nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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