POS on Destiny 2...

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Xavier sat in front of his TV in his room, holding his PS4 controller in his hands. He put on his headphones excitedly, waiting for Leviathan to join. Today was the day that Levi had agreed to help him with a dungeon he's been struggling with in Destiny 2.

   On the screen, another ship flew in and a voice was heard in his earbuds. "Okay, I'm here." Levi said with determination. "Oh, by the way, I found someone online who's willing to help us with the dungeon. Is that okay?" He asked. "I can tell them I cancelled."

   Immediately, a pit formed in Xavier's stomach, but he needed all the help he could get... "Um, yeah, it's fine." He replied with a shakey voice.

   "Are you sure?"


   Levi hummed softly while checking some things on his guardian. "He'll be here shortly, he says." Xav responded with an soft 'okay', taking this time to adjust some of his equipment.

   The sound of another ship joining in was heard and a very masculine voice was heard. "Yello." He said with a chuckle. Xavier, startled by the sudden voice, squeaked out a quiet 'hello' back.

   His palms began to sweat and his heart was racing in his chest. "Is everyone ready?" Leviathan asked. The newcomer and Xavier both agreed while he began to play the dungeon.

   "Alrighty, make sure not to die too much, okay?" The unnamed man said. Xavier played it off as a joke, but something about his tone... it didn't sit right with him.

   The three of them entered the dungeon and immediately began to work on the puzzle there was. After defeating all the Taken in the first bit, they began searching for the other symbol. They knew they were getting close once a sniper enemy began shootimg at them. "Did anyone bring a sniper?" The man asked, pointing towards the enemy with his gun but not making a move. "Uhhh, no..." Xavier muttered out softly. "Are you kidding me? You're the one who needs help with the dungeon and you didn't bring a damn sniper?" He snapped

   "I have one but if I take it out, I won't have ammo." Levi said as he hid behind some rubble. "God, you should've prepared before hand, alien kid." The man grumbled as he walked away. Xavier stayed deathly quiet for a moment before shooting at the sniper enemy and killing it fairly easily with only a hand canon.

   "Oh, I know where the next symbol is, follow me." Levi said to clear the tension. It seemed to work a little as Xavier let out a soft breath. After getting to the next symbol, everyone worked together to defeat the enemies. Xavier, being a little vocal when struggling, continuously lets out quiet squeaks or yelps.

   Unfortunately, it didn't seem to rub off well on the other guy. "Can you play quieter?" He asked, an obvious hint of annoyance in his tone. "Sorry-"

   "You should be." He grumbled again. Xavier's phone went off with a text message–one from Levi.

   Sorry he's being kinda mean. If it gets worse, just kick him. -Leviathan.

   No, it's fine, he's right. -Xavier.

   Are you sure? You seem more anxious than usual. -Leviathan

   I pro--

   "Dude, are you just gonna stand there?" Xavier was caught off guard. "I'm sorry, I got a text message and-" He let out a heavy sigh. "If you want help, get off the damn phone and pay attention."

   Xavier clutched the controller in his hands as he began moving his character. Levi let out a low sigh, which was audible through my mic. "Everything okay, bud?" He asked, seemingly nicer than when he was talking to Xavier.

   "Yeah, I've gonna do something real quick, you two keep playing." He said before muting his mic. Meanwhile, Xavier was growing more and more anxious as he was now alone with the man.

   "Well? Come on." He said sharply. He began moving towards the next symbol, not giving Xavier any time to catch up. A while later, he found the next symbol and began to defeat the enemies by himself since the man was somewhere else.

   "I hear button clicking, did you find the next symbol?" The guy asked. "Well, yeah, but I could defeat them by myself..." Xavier started. "You should've told me! You said you needed help but you go and do this shit by yourself. Do you really even need me or are you just wasting my time? I could be out on a date with a girl right now but nooooo, I'm here "helping" a dumbass noob gamer girl."

   Getting misgendered, getting yelled at, getting insulted... Xavier had to hold back his sniffles. His eyes watered and a huge lump formed in his throat.

   "You just really like wasting other people's time, huh? Being unprepared and being shit at the game, you shouldn't even be playing. You're only doing it for attention so you can meet guys online. Well I ain't gonna be one of 'em."

   Unfortunately for the man, Levi heard everything and was definitely not happy. Even more so when he heard Xavier began to sniffle quietly. "Oh, now you're gonna cry?"

   "That's enough. Aha, sir, you must really live a pathetic life to be insulting people like that for needing help. Especially because YOU offered. It's sad that you decided to get on just to insult and misgender someone who needed help with a damn game, so get your sorry fucking ass out of his team now 'cause I already reported you for being a little bitch to someone who's innocent."

   After he said that, the man began going on and cussing both Xavier and Levi out, having no regard for any sort of decency. "Xavier, kick him." Xavier did as he said and kicked him out before leaving the dungeon completely. Not too long after, Levi rushed into his room and wrapped his arms tight around his body, holding him close as he could only sob into his shirt.

   Levi whispered quietly. "I'm sorry I didn't do anything sooner. Listen to me, you're an amazing gamer, okay? Hell, you get more kills than me sometimes. That's something to be proud of. You're the best gamer boy I could've dreamed of meeting." He spoke as he caressed his hair. Even though he came up with that on the spot, he hoped that Xavier would feel a little bit better. And he did.

   Xavier clutched him tighter, trembling and sniffling quietly. "I'm sorry for getting your shirt wet..." Levi shook his head and held him closer. "Don't apologize for that. If I was crying, you would let me do the same thing. Do you... um... wanna cuddle?" He asked sounding shy at the last bit.

   Even if Levi was bad with comforting, he wanted to do his best for him. Xavier nodded and turned his PS4 off before snuggling into bed with him. "Don't you have to shut off your PC?"


   "Go do that, it's okay."

   "...Come with me." He took Xavier's hand and dragged him over to his bedroom. He quickly shut off his PC and crawled into his tub bed, motioning for Xavier to join. "Really?" He asked nervously as he slowly and carefully crawls into the tub with him.

   Levi nodded and held him close as he lay on his tummy. Xavier nuzzled his face against his chest. "You're okay now... I'm here..." He comforted.

   Not long after, he slowly fell asleep with a tight hold on Levi. To this, Levi smiled and closed his own eyes, drifting off to meet Xavier in his dreams.

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