Chapter 3

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In The Slytherin Dungeon

Next day, Sebastian was laying on his bed that had his school books laying on it while his owl was sleeping in it's cage. Draco enters the room to see Sebastian laying on the bed sleeping in a sea of his school books. Draco walks over to him and he looks over Sebastian who was still sleeping. Draco then hears Sebastian's owl whistles making him turn to it, the owl was staring at him. "What are you doing in my room?" Draco hears Sebastian making him turn to see Sebastian staring at him. "I didn't want you to miss breakfast or class." Draco said to him as Sebastian sits up. "Like I care if I miss Breakfast or class." Sebastian said to him while rubbing his eyes. "Then why are you here, in a building that is a school?" Draco asks him making Sebastian look at him. "I have my reasons." Sebastian said to him then he sits up. "I need a minute to get ready." Sebastian said to Draco who nods and walks out of the room. Sebastian gets up and comes to the window to observe that the day was pleasant. He removes his shirt to see a scar across his chest. Even his father doesn't know how Sebastian got it, or he doesn't want to tell Sebastian that he has a scar.

Sebastian exits his room with his book bag in hand after finishing his makeup. Sebastian runs into Draco and the others, and the group all heads to class together. Draco turns to watch Sebastian as he fiddles with his wand between his fingers. Draco saw that Sebastian was absorbed in contemplation as he played with his wand.  

In Potions class, Pansy walks over to Draco who was with Sebastian. "Does it hurt much today?" Pansy asks Draco. "Yeah." Draco said to her putting on a brave sort of grimace then he winks at Sebastian who rolls his eyes at him. "Settle down, settle down." Professor Snape said idly as he enters the room. "Today we will be making a new potion, it is a shrinking solution. Set up so we can start making it." Snape said to them, Sebastian and Draco set up their cauldron right next to Harry and Ron. The four start preparing their ingredients on the same table. "You sure, you can do this?" Sebastian asks Draco who was holding a cutter. "I have an idea and it works around Potter and Wesley." Draco said to him making Sebastian look at Harry and Ron. "Sir." Draco calls Snap who looks at him. "I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots because of my arm." Draco said to him. "Weasley, cut up Malfoy's roots for him." Snap said to Ron who went brick red after hearing that. "There's nothing wrong with your arm." Ron hissed at Draco. "Are you a doctor, Weasley? I don't think so. So do as you are told cut up the roots." Sebastian said to him with a smile. Ron seized his knife and pull Draco's roots toward him and he began to chop them roughly so that they were all in different sizes. "Oh, boy." Sebastian said to himself. "Professor, Weasley is mutilating my roots." Draco said making Snape approached their table and he stared down at the roots then gives Ron an unpleasant smile. "Change roots with Malsy, Weasley." Snap said to Ron. "But sir..." Ron said. "Now." Snap said cutting him off. Ron shoved his own roots across the table at Draco then Ron picks up the knife again. "And Draco needs the shrivel fig skinned." Sebastian said to his dad with his voice full of malicious laughter. "Potter you can skin Molfy's shrivel fig." Snap said to Harry while giving Harry the look of loathing he always reserved just for Harry. Harry took Draco's shrivel fig as Ron began trying to repair the damage to the roots he now had to use. "Why don't you do it?" Ron asks Sebastian who looks at him. "I was not the one who was asked to help him." Sebastian said to him and he throws a root at Ron's face. "You were ask to do it." Sebastian said to him while Harry skin the shrivel fig as fast as he could and flung it back across the table at Dacro without speaking. Draco was smirking more broadly than ever and Sebastian smile a little. "Seen you pal Hagrid lately?" Draco asks them. "None of your business." Ron said to him jilt without looking up. "I'm afraid he won't be a teacher much longer." Draco said to them in a tone of mock sorrow. "Draco, has told me that his father is not very happy about his injury." Sebastian said to them. "Keep talking, Snap and I'll will give you a real bad injury." Ron said to Sebastian. "My father complained to the school governors and to the ministry of magic. Father's got a lot of influence you know and a lasting injury like this..." Draco said to them then he does a huge fake sigh. "Who knows if my arm will ever be the same again." Draco said to them. "So that's why you're putting it on." Harry said while accidentally beheading a dead caterpillar because his hand was shaking in anger. "To try to get Hagrid fired." Harry said to him. "Wow." Sebastian said as he walks closer to Harry. "Partly, Potter but that are other benefits too." Sebastian whisper to Harry. "Weasley, slice my caterpillars for me." Draco said to him while pushing his caterpillars to him. "Get to work." Sebastian said to him with a smile before walking back to his side. Sebastian looks over at Neville who was having trouble, he knows he has a great fear of Professor Snape made things 10 times worse. Sebastian can see that Neville's potion which was supposed to be a bright acid green had turned orange. "Longbottom." Snape said then he leling some up and allowing it to splash back into the cauldron so that everyone could see. Sebastian shakes his head while laughing a little making Draco look at him. "Orange, tell me boy does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours." Snape said as he gets closer to Neville. "Didn't you hear me say quite clearly that only one rat spleen was needed. Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leaf juice ould suffice. What do I have to do to make you understand Longbottom." Snape said to him, Neville was pink and trembling he looked as though he was on the verge of tears. "Please, sir." Herione said to him making Snape look at her. "Please, I could help Neville put it right." Herione said to him. "I don't remember him asking you to show off." Sebastain said to her making Herione look at him. "At the end of this lesson we will feed a few drops of this potion to your toad and see what happens perhaps that will encourage you to do it properly." Snake said to Neville before he moves away leaving Neville breathless with fear. "What a scary cat." Sebastian said to himself. "He been like that for a long time, I would not be surprised if he was like this as a baby." Draco said to him making Sebastian look at him. "And when he started at this school, he's been scared of your dad at the first class." Draco said to him while Sebastian spins the knife in his hand. "Hi Harry." Sebastian and Draco hear Sheamus Finigan making Sebastian looks over to see that Sheamus leaning over to borrow Harry's brass scales. "Have you heard daily profit this morning. They reckon serious blacks man sited." Sheamus said to Harry. "Where?" Harry and Ron asks quietly making Draco look over to them. "Not too far from here." Sheamus said to them while looking very excited. "It was a muggle who saw him. Of course, she didn't really understand the Muggles think that he's just an ordinary criminal don't they so she phoned the telephone hotline by the time the ministry of Magik got there he was gone." Sheamus said to Harry and Ron. "Not too far from here." Ron said repeated looking significantly at Harry. Ron turned around to see that Sebastian and Draco was watching them. "What? You need something else skinned?" Ron asks him while Draco's eyes were shining malevolently and they were fixed on Harry and Draco leaned across the table. "Thinking of trying to catch black single-handed Potter?" Draco asks him. "Yeah, that's right." Harry said to him offhandedly making Draco's moth turn into a C curving in a mean smile. "Of course, if it was me." Draco said quietly. "I'd have done something before now I would be staying in school like a good boy. I'd be out there looking for him." Draco said to him. "What are you talking about Malfoy?" Ron asks Draco roughly. "Did you know Potter..." Draco said breathed with his pale eyes narrowed. "Know what?" Harry asks him making Draco let out a low sneering laugh. "Maybe you'd rather not risk your neck." Draco said to him. "You want to leave it to the dementors do you?" Sebastian asks Harry while he stabs the table with the knife. "But if it was me, I'd want revenge I'd hunt him down myself." Draco said to him. "What are you talking about?" Harry asks him angrily but at that moment Snape starts talking. "You should have finished adding your ingredients by now this potion needs to stew before it can be drunk so clear away while it simmers and then we'll text Longbottoms." Snape said making Crab and Goyle laugh openly while watching Neville sweat as he starred his potion feverishly. Harry and Pon packed away their unused ingredients and went to wash their hands and ladles in the stone basin in the corner. "What did you mean?" Sebastian asks Draco who looks at him. "I am massing with him, there is no way I can fight that guy." Draco said to him. "I see." Sebastian said to him then he sees Heromine helping Neville.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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