Chapter 1

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At King's Cross Station

Sebastian gets onto the Hogwarts Express after walking though the wall, Sebastian walks though the train until he sees Draco. "Sebastian." Draco said to him as Sebastian walks over to him. "I see you been place." Draco said to him as he looks at Sebastian's robe. "Yeah, something that I been waiting for." Sebastian said to him. "Follow me." Draco said to him and Draco leans Sebastian to his group. Sebastian follows Draco past many compartments filled with groups of teens. "Is that him?" Sebastian hear someone say from in one of the compartments making him turn to them. "You have something to say?" Sebastian asks the group making Draco turn to them. The group stare at him in silents making Sebastian nod a little. "That is what I thought." Sebastian said to them before he walks over to Draco. "Looks like everyone knows now." Draco said to him. "That was not what I wanted." Sebastian said to him as the two walk into Draco's compartment. "You will enjoy people being scare of you." Draco said to him as Sebastian sit down. "Sit Draco." Sebastian said to him making Draco sit next to Sebastian who looks at him. "Did you see the three you been talking about?" Sebastian asks him while he takes out his wand. "No, they must have decide not to come this year." Draco said to him while Sebastian does the purple firecrackers charm. "Maybe..." Sebastian said to him as he controls the firecrackers. "Or they are hiding somewhere." Sebastian said to him as he looks at Draco who was staring at him. "I can't wait to meet them." Sebastian said to him making Draco smirk at him. "I can't wait for you to meet them." Draco whisper to him then Sebastian see two guys walk into compartment. "And who are you guys?" Sebastian asks them making Draco look over at the two guys. "This is Crabbe and Goyle." Draco said to Sebastian who nods as the two sit down in front of Sebastian and Draco. "Good to see you two." Sebastian said to them as he aims the firecrackers at the two hitting them in the face. Draco laughs a little as he runs his fingers though his hair while Sebastian puts his wand away. 

Later storm clouds, like dark ghosts, toss sheets of rain onto the scarlet engine as it heads north. Sebastian turns on the lantern in the compartment that glows. "So you are him right?" Crabbe asks Sebastian who looks at him. "Of course, you idiot." Draco said to him while Sebastian leans onto the wall. "Professor Severus Snape is my father and I will not be using that as a way to get what I wanted." Sebastian said to them as he leans forward. "Do you want to know why?" Sebastian asks them making the three nod. "Because I don't need it!" Sebastian yelled making the three jump back as Sebastian stands up. "Whenever someone claims that I am the way I am because of my father's influence as a teacher. I will without hesitation curse them." Sebastian said to them as he walks around the compartment while the three boys laugh. "That would be funny to see." Goyle said to them as Sebastian walks back and forward in the compartment. "Maybe you can curse Harry Potter." Crabbe said to him making Sebastian look at him. "If he gets on my nerves but..." Sebastian said to him as he leans over to Crabbe and Goyle. "If you two work on my nerves I will curse you two and I don't care if you two are friends with Draco." Sebastian said to them while Draco watch Sebastian with a little smile. 

Just then, the compartment rattles making Sebastian sit down next to Draco. Lanterns flickers while the train lurches, begins to slow. Draco slides down the seat, pinning Sebastian against the window. Sebastian and Draco exchange an glance, then Draco carefully slides to the other end of the seat while turning red. "Why're we stopping? We can't be there yet..." Crabbe said to them while Sebastian stands up and he slides open the door, peers into the corridor. Sebastian looks around curiously then the train jerks making the car sway making Sebastian fall back into the compartment while the lamps running along the ceiling flicker and...dies.

One by one. Until all is...Dark.

"What's going on?" Draco asks them as a thin wisp of steam escapes his mouth that Sebastian notices. "Maybe we've broken down." Sebastian said to them. "There's something moving out there. I think...people are coming aboard." Goyle said to them then suddenly the car sways violently making Draco slides into Sebastian again. Then the four see a hand slimy and scabbed a hand of death grips the half-open compartment door, pushes it aside. The group sees a cloaked figure, its face hidden beneath its black hood. The folds of the hood tremble as a chill, rattling intake of air is heard. Draco moves behind Sebastian who was slowly taking his wand out knowing what spell to use. Before Sebastian could take any action, the bright light caused the figure to flee. Sebastian puts his wand away and he looks at the group who were scared about what just happened. "It's gone now." Sebastian said to them as he feels Draco holding onto his arm. 

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