"She doesn't" Rory said

"Delilah, is mommy having a boy baby or a girl baby?" Juliet asked

"Little baby" Del said.

"I told you she doesn't know"


One weekend, towards the end of May Rory and Logan got serious about changing up the nursery. Even though it was still set up from Delilah, they wanted the new baby to get a space that was made specifically for her. So they decided to work on it one Saturday while Del was napping. Logan had noticed throughout the day that Rory seemed to be in a little bit of pain, but she didn't say anything so he just made a mental note to keep an eye on her.

Rory was sitting on the floor, unpacking baby clothes (they did buy all new clothes clothes for the baby because they donated Del's baby clothes once she grew out of them) while Logan was putting up the new wallpaper. They'd painted the walls a very light pink color and on the wall that would be behind the crib Logan was putting up white wallpaper with pink flowers.

"Why have I never heard of peel and stick wallpaper before?" Logan asked. "Who even invented this?"

"I don't know" Rory said. "I'm still stuck on the fact that we haven't done this yet"

"We've got time" Logan said

"5 weeks is not a lot of time, Logan" Rory said. "Especially when you take into account that Delilah was born 2 weeks early"

"Fine. But look, we'll be fine with this in the next hour and then we'll be ready for baby girl"

"Except that we don't have diapers, or wipes, or bottles"

"Are bottles necessary if you're breastfeeding?" Logan asked


"I will go tomorrow and get all of the stuff that we still don't have"

"We're going to Paris and Doyle's wedding"

"That's in the morning" Logan said. "I'll go after"


A few hours later Rory and Logan were sitting at the kitchen island, eating dinner with Del.

"No. Baby sister is my baby sister" Del said out of nowhere.

"You're funny, you know that?" Logan asked with a chuckle.

"Noodle laughing too" Del said. "Ha ha ha"

Rory laughed for a second before inhaling sharply.

"Ace, what's going on?"

"Nothing, just a pain"

"Pain is not nothing" Logan said. "What's hurting you?"

"The 5 pound baby that's weighing on my back" Rory said. "Really Logan, I'm fine"


"Mama, is Bean heavy?" Del asked

"Well, she feels heavy while she's inside but she won't be when she comes out"

"Yeah, you were pretty little when you were born" Logan said. Delilah was less than 6 and a half pounds when she was born.

"For the sake of my body, let's hope this baby's little too" Rory said.

"I give this to Leo?" Del asked. Whenever she ate anything, Leo would sit by her feet, hoping she'd drop something.

"Leo can't have the mac and cheese, but you can give him a carrot" Logan said. "But you have to tell him to sit first"

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