After finishing their ramen, Wonwoo picked Hoshi up, taking him back to his room. He made the older sit on the bed.

Wonwoo came closer and was about to kiss Hoshi when he heard noise coming from living room. Which means some of the members are back.

"Yaa Wonwoo, here. Wear your shirt and get out". Hoshi said pushing the younger away from himself. But Wonwoo didn't let go.

"Wonwoo, please. What if someone see us?"

"Give me a kiss". Wonwoo demand. Hoshi pout but kiss Wonwoo's lips, cheeks, nose and forehead.

"Is it enough?" Wonwoo shook his head, making the older pout. Wonwoo leaned in kissing him with a lot of passion. He broke the kiss meeting older's eyes.
"Tonight, I want to cuddle with my baby".

"Won..... We will get caught".

"Fine". Wonwoo said unhappily getting up from Hoshi, taking his shirt and leaving the room.

Hoshi felt sad for making Wonwoo unhappy.

A grumpy Seungkwan entered the room, Hansol following behind with a teddy bear.

"Hyung, how can you ruin our weekend plan just to be with your boyfriend?" Seungkwan asked sitting on his bed.

"Wait whose boyfriend?" Vernon asked totally astonished.

"He doesn't know?" Seungkwan asked widening his eyes, Hoshi shook his head. "I'm sorry hyung".

"No Kwanie, it's okay. I was going to tell him anyway. So Vernon, yes I have a boyfriend.and he is Wonwoo".

"What?" A surprised Vernon sat beside him, doubting if he heard wrong.

"Wait .... Wonwoo hyung and you together? I thought he is with Mingyu hyung. The way they are always together". Vernon said.

"Vernonaa, sometimes it is not what it's looks like. And Wonwoo himself said I'm his. Mingyu and he are just close like me, Kwanie and Seok ". Hoshi assured him.

"Btw, what happened then?" Seungkwan asked excited. Hoshi looked down, blushing.

"We...... Ahhh, sorry we use your condom and lube Vernonaa".

"Omg..omg. Bonon baby yeah. Hoshi hyung finally loss his verginity". Seungkwan said highfive Vernon.

"It's okay, and you should also buy some from now on". Vernon winked at him. Making Hoshi more shy.

"Hyung, shouldn't we share this good news with Seok hyung? I bet he'll be super happy". Seungkwan said taking out his phone and quickly texted DK about what happened. Hoshi and Vernon just shook their heads knowing how excited Seungkwan is.


Hyung hyung hyung
Guess what?

Don't guess
I'll just tell you

Uri Hoshi hyung

Just lost something.


Guess what he lost?

Don't guess
I'll just tell you.



You are mine (soonwoo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя