Oh I'm Such a Good Friend.

Start from the beginning

"We will talk tomorrow at school. Right?"

I smiled. "Right." I heard a celebratory yes! before I hung up.

I looked at my bed with the scattered duvet, then I looked at my window, noticing the reduce of sunshine, before looking back to my phone.

I didn't know how to feel about the fact my heart skipped a beat when I thought of Jason at that moment.

I slammed my locker shut.

It was finally lunch time. Time to eat. Time for uninterrupted gossip. Time to see Xavier's friends again. I let out a long sigh.

From nowhere, two arms wrapped around my waist, sliding to my stomach as it pulled me flush against a chest. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he casually whispered a 'hey'.

I spun around and tried to push him away, but he still held on to me.

"Why are you always so dramatic?!"

"What? No one is here." He had a boyish grin as he looked at me, mischief written all over his face, deep blue eyes twinkling and all. I looked around, and indeed, not a single soul.

Are they that hungry?

"Doesn't matter." I huffed.

"Then why are you blushing?"

"We won't talk about that. I'm hungry." I walked past him and marched to the cafeteria. He caught up with me easily, laughing as he put his arms around me and pulled me to his side.

"You were really tired yesterday, are you all good now?"

"Yeah I'm ok."

"You went to a spa or something?"

"No. Actually, I talked with J-" I stopped myself. I didn't know if I should tell Xavier about my call with Jason yesterday, because I don't know how he would react. Things have been so calm lately, and I don't want a simple phone call to ruin it.

But I could still hear Eli shouting Communication is key!

"What? What happened?"

"Uh...I talked with Jane. It was her brother's birthday." I thanked my memory.

"Really?" He sounded very unconvinced. "So why did you stop yourself."

"I..." Didn't know what to say. I looked around, for anything or anyone to help, but I was stuck. It was like I was cornered. Or like I was trapped.

His gaze never left me, it was like a fire somehow that only fueled my nervousness. He knew that. Maybe I should just tell the truth.

"I called Jason, Ok?"

"Why was that so hard to tell me?" He stopped walking, his hands raising my face to meet his eyes.

"I thought you'd be annoyed or something, I don't know."

"Why would I be annoyed?"

Translation: is there a reason I should be annoyed?

"Let's forget about it ok? I just agreed to talk to him again. That's all." He just stared at me, like he was weighing his options and picking the best thing to say: Nothing.

"Fine." He let go of my cheeks and continued walking, leaving me to catch up with him. "I just don't want to see you guys kissing again."

After we survived the incredibly long line of students, we walked in silence to our usual tables, where Noah and Oliver were waiting for us already.

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