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It hurt her even more because she didn't even have a fun summer. Everyone was outside while she was at home or work, depressed and lonely. It was the worst summer of her life and she expected it to be her best because she was 16 and had some freedom but things didn't work out like how she expected.

Anija walked into the girl's bathroom and instantly went to stand in front of the mirror, running her fingers through her hair. She was currently in her 4th hour of the day, the last class she took in school before she could be dismissed since her other 2 classes were online college courses. She was just trying to waste some time until lunch since she was already done with the little work she was given.

"I need a blunt.." She mumbled to herself and she didn't even smoke often. Words couldn't explain how much she hated being back at school. She thought she missed it but she didn't. She definitely learned better in person than online but the vibe was off. She just couldn't wrap her finger around exactly how it was off.

"Cheerleaders smoke?" A random girl walked out of the stall with a small smile.

Anija looked at the white girl through the mirror with a blank expression. "No.. they don't," She replied.

"You good girl. I won't snitch or whatever. I got a cart if you wanna hit it," The girl said and Anija instantly declined. She had heard some stuff about hitting random people's carts and she was not about to become a victim.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Anija saw that there was 5 minutes until the lunch bell ring. She looked over herself in the mirror one more time before walking out of the bathroom and down the hall to go into her class. She saw that people were already starting to put away their things so she did the same.

When the bell rung, she immediately went downstairs to the lockers that was next to the cafeteria, where she would meet Kema. She stood by the wall, scrolling through her phone and occasionally saying hello to people who greeted her.

"You look like a loser," She heard making her look up, cracking a smile at Kema.

"Shut up," She chuckled. "Took you long enough to get here."

"Mhm. It's not like you ain't finna leave me anyway," Kema said.

Anija's mom was on the way to pick her up so she could take her to the college she was taking some courses in. Anija only stayed for some of lunch and she never really ate it either.

"Girl I don't know if I'm tweaking but the vibe been off today. This whole week actually," Anija mentioned as the two walked into the cafeteria.

"What you mean?" Kema was confused.

"I feel like somebody talking shit but I can't tell who or what they saying. Everybody just acting so shocked that I'm back. Like where did they think I was? What did they think happened?" Anija asked, knowing Kema wouldn't know the answer.

Anija was the more known and friendly friend while Kema stayed to herself in school and minded her business. Any drama going on, Kema had no clue of it. She literally walked around school with her AirPods on the loudest level all day. So she wouldn't know if there was a rumor going on.

"Do we care though? Fuck what they think. They can think what the fuck they want, we know it's probably not true anyways," Kema shrugged.

"I know I know. I'm just curious," Anija shrugged. Before the girls could sit down, she heard her name being called.

Looking up, she saw her cousin waving her over. She grabbed Kema's hand and they walked to where her cousin was sitting. Demitri, Anija's cousin on her dad's side of the family wasn't as close with her but always checked on her when he saw her in school. He was a popular player on the football team so the table was filled with others athletes sitting around as the 2 girls walked up.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐎Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant