The last night of Single Life

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"Anyone who gets him is doomed, he's an idiot no matter how nice he acts. Burnt his own wings when we were kids, ran out in the sun without covering them and well.. Bye Bye wings"

"Don't forget about the scars, he's a fool, how he didn't die before this will be a mystery for the centuries" Etho added onto Joel's comment.

"We are screwed if we get him" The three said before looking at each and laughing.

"What you guys laughing at" Speak of the phantom. Scar stood smiling looking at them all before sitting himself down next to Grian and Joel. The looked at him, not really knowing what to say while Etho tried not to laugh.

After a few more minutes of Scar looking between the others waiting for a response he decided to break the silence. "So, This whole thing is a dumb way to get married" That set Etho off.

"Do you think we are really getting married here? Do you not pay attention to anything that's being said?"

"Nope!" Scar's smile remained on his face.

"Are you not worried about who you will get? Someone could literally cause your death?" Grian spoke up, still looking at Scar with a confused expression, his man literally didn't seem to care about anything, maybe he was really brave, or maybe just really stupid. Grian believed the latter.

"Why would I be? I think this might be fun, a new partner in crime!"

"...You are going to get your soulmate killed." Grian said looking at him confused and worried. Was he really not worried about this?

"What? Noo" Scar said with a chuckle, enlarging the O sound as he said No. "I won't get them killed, I am very safe!"

Joel laughed at Scar's comment about keeping his soulmate safe. "I am sorry scar but, I remember you losing your wings back when were around 7"

"What? Noooo, I didn't lost them, they are still here!" Scar said, pulling out his burnt wing, most of it missing while some had holes where the sun had burnt through it. "I still have them, plus that was 14 years ago! I got better!" Scar defended himself still smiling. "Good times though, back when we were kids, you guys use to hang out with me more often!"

The comment made Joel and Etho looked away for a moment. Etho taking his turn to speak, "Whoever has you is doomed man"

"I could say the same about you Etho, you really good with your weapons but if you get hurt, whoever you gets gonna feel it too! You could get yourself killed and all!" Scar wasn't the best at reading the room or thinking before he spoke. Etho shot him a quick glare before rolling his eyes. Grian had noticed and stood up, looking over at him.

"Hey Etho, I am going to grab something to eat from the table. Do you want to come with?" Etho nodded as the two walked away, leaving Joel alone with Scar, much to his distaste, now he had to hear and talk with the chatter box alone.

Once the pair were away Grian opened his mouth.

"I didn't know you two knew him, I don't think I have met him other than tonight."

"An old friend, he lives on the outer ring of the land, It's not shocking you never met him, you live two different parts. He's in the dessert land and you live in the jungle."

"A phantom living in the dessert? That's odd, wouldn't he burn?"

"Why you think he's nicknamed Scar? He's got burnt a lot when we was all younger"

"Now I am worried I'll be stuck with someone like that, pain and I aren't the best of friends" Grian said before stopping and thinking. 'Oh my god what if I have to deal with someone like that! I don't want to be a babysitter my whole life!"

Etho turned back to him and chuckled. "Don't worry about that birdie, I am sure you will be fine, if not then We got your back, suck to have you flying and attacking us because you hit Red. Though you would have to pay me for babysitting, especially if I have the same problem on my side"

"Ha, We can just lock them up and just keep them well fed and all that"  Now both of them was chuckling away.

After a while, The horns went off. The moon was finally in place. Once more, everyone lined up again, Joel running over towards Etho and Grian, punching them both in the arm for abandoning him with Scar while they had their fun without him.

"If you two are soulmates and I am left out, I'll kill you both myself" Joel threatened as the others rolled their eyes.

"Nah, we can just all be soulmate, every time we get hurt, we hurt you so you can feel it too."

"Please don't do that Etho"

"Will you both kindly shut up so we can find out who we are stuck with? I hope It's not either of you, I know the other would get jealous" Grian said rolling his eyes again before closing them.

His fears had came back, now that the time was here. As the moon shined down on them, each of them felt a cold feeling rush through them. It felt like their bodies were creating a new organ for them. Grian still too scared to open and see it, while Joel and Etho simply watched it all happen in front of them. From their bodies they watched as a Green heart morph from them, glowing brighter than any emerald they had ever seen.

"Grian you are missing the light show" Grian heart was going, he opened on of his eyes and looked towards Joel and Etho, watching them closely follow the newly formed heart. Grian looked at his own, and watched it hoover in front of him, it was so bright the Avian found himself having to squint his eyes to look at it.

He held his hand out towards it, trying to hold it in his own hands. He cupped it gently not sure if he could break it or not.

"It's so much brighter than I thought" Grian spoke looking into it. Everyone had one of these, it showed that they are connected as well the gift from the gods that would revive them once they died, changing colours as it did. Green, then Yellow, and then lastly Red. However he never seen them glow like this.

After a while it had zoomed away from him, seeming like it was running of towards another.

"Hey, wait come back" Grian shouted chasing after it, pushing past others, much to their annoyance before spreading his wings to get a little higher to find it. Following it carefully he watched it move around the others, before finally stopping. Grian watched carefully as the phantom from before turned around and looked at his own heart float over towards the other before looking at Grian.

"Hello again" Scar smiled watching the Avian slowly land in front of him. Both looking at him and their hearts.

"I guess it's me and you huh?" Grian was still quiet while Scar continued to speak to him. "So we are soulmate? Does that mean I get to know your name finally?"

"Grian" Grian said.

Scar smiled. "Nice to meet you Grian, I guess we are gonna be good friends now"

Grian mind was screaming. If what Joel and Etho had told him was right. He was soulmates with the most dangerous person they know.

'I am going to die...' He thought to himself.

Author's Note
I just had this idea after rewatching the
double life series. Working on the second
part already!

Stuck with you [Grian and Scar]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ