[Hey. I'm multilingual considering how many lifetimes I been through.] Naruto pouted at Shiroe, crossing his arms. [However, don't get me started with kanji. Whoever made that is the devil.]

"Still not good with it, huh?" Shiroe sheepishly laughed before looking down at the streets below. Naruto also looking down, both of them seeing a person looking at the building before putting on his hat and walking away from it. "They already started."

[Can't blame them. Even if we made the council faster, the People of the Land do realize the Adventurers are no longer the mindless robots that they once knew.] Naruto stood up on the desk. [We are also causing a major revolution. Not all people are happy with changes and hence a common spark for war. However, I think we will be able to avoid it with the council set up.]

"However, that also means we might end up in their politics," Shiroe picked up another report, "Speaking of such, how is Konoha doing?"

[Good so far. The Kages and Daimyo's are planning a submit for the coming weeks.] Naruto smirked at the Enchanter. [The revolution is happening there as well. Konoha shared with Suna some of the new knowledge on technology and magic as part of a minor trade agreement. Suna has actually discovered how to combine skills of classes and subclasses through this and been using it to terraform areas of Wind Country to increase food production and livable locations. A much needed thing for a desert country like Wind Country. But, it also makes us realize what complications will be arising from the People of the Land with this revolution. Konoha alone has managed to finally establish a stable electrical grid and new spells for protection Konoha. I alone have managed to learn how to make batteries that store mana and made a prototype computer here that runs off of magic.]

"The possible conflicts ahead will be dealing with the whiplash of all of this." Shiroe chuckled seeing Naruto pull out two cups from his Magic Bag and a small bottle, "Though, that is why Log Horizon was made. It's not just a home for the family we have created through our friends."

[Our goal is to explore this amazing new world and solve the problems we face together with our family, right?] Naruto poured the liquid from the bottle into one of the glasses and held it out to Shiroe. [Though I am curious as much as you are of this world, I simply want to know all I can to protect my friends and the little ones on the way. Even though I was born in Konoha, Akiba has become my true home. A place where I actually feel like a person instead of simply a game character force to play a shit game over and over again.]

"Indeed," Shiroe took the glass, allowing Naruto to feel up his glass. "I still want to see if it is possible to return to the old world. Though, for you, that is clearly not possible. However, there are people here who probably want back, though even I find this world at times better than the old."

[I understand. I am perfectly fine with the current situation as long as the old world does not cause problems for Akiba. Though, I think we have a ways off before that happens. It is clear the two worlds are taking their time to combine and stabilize everything. The Catastrophe is not over, but I think the first bad wave is passed and it gives us time to prepare for the next wave of changes.] Naruto held up his filled glass.

"Agreed." Shiroe said, tapping their glasses together in a toast. "Let's enjoy the breather we have, even if it is for a little while." Shiroe took a sip from his glass. "Wait, is this wine?" Shiroe asked before paling with seeing Naruto gulped his whole glass down in one gulp.

[Ah. Good thing I accidently left all those wine bottles in the bank within a special wine rack decoration. I was surprised I had quite an impressive collection of wine that will be useful for serving guests when I put it up in my wine room in the workshop.] Naruto said, glowing with happiness. [I was scared I would have to wait for a couple of years for good wine and alcohol compared to the knock offs some of the production guilds have made or real young alcohol brewages discovered so far. The young stuff is always too rough for me.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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