~ Fourth Submission for Promotion ~

805 206 182

a lotta people have been not active in the club, i don't know why, its kinda sad for me tho, i understand this system is flexible but that dont mean they are absent most of the time, but they won't get promoted if they are not active .

alr, submit your books for promotion but only one book from each genre, the first person to submit will be taken for this week, don't worry every one will get a chance and no book will be promoted twice in a month.

Genres for this week are 3 Romance and 2 for Fan fiction

To apply, you need provide your username, book name, genre they are applying for, the link of the book.

Members applying need to be active for this whole week, or you will be removed.

Please don't apply for multiple genres and the first on to submit for promotion for each genre will be accepted

To apply, you need provide your username, book name, genre they are applying for, the link of the book, and a description with less than 50 words.

The form need to be in only one comment, and if any one of the category mention above is missed it will not be accepted nor will be reminded to you.

Post your forms here >>

Do not lie about the genres of you books, lying will get you thrown out of the club

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