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Hello! Enjoy this chapter! (Lizzie is currently 1/2 of a month pregnant.)

Lizzie sprung up from her slumber. She suddenly felt a knot in her stomach twisting. Joel opened his eyes being startled my his wife's actions, "Lizzie? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

With out saying anything she jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. This gave Joel an idea of what was happening. He sprinted to Lizzie who at this point was already throwing up in the sink. His husband's senses activated as he gathered up her hair in his hands and rubbed her back, "Haven't had to do this in a while."
Lizzie glared at him, "You mean I haven't."
"Oh yeah... You haven't!" Joel played off as if he said that originally.

Lizzie finally got to take a breath as she gargled some water and spit it out into the sink, "Are you feeling better?"
"I guess so."
Joel smiled and helped Lizzie to the living room so she could sit down. Lizzie turned on the TV to only get a text from her brother.

Jimmy: Hi Lizzieeee
Lizzie: Hi
Jimmy: Sooo
Lizzie: So what?
Jimmy: me and Scott have an unplanned visitor at our house...
Lizzie: Who?
Jimmy: Do you really want to know?
Lizzie: Obviously
Jimmy: Edith
Lizzie: Okay??
Jimmy: She kinda wants to talk to you...
Lizzie: Why
Jimmy: I DON'T KNOW?!
Lizzie: Why
Jimmy: Can you please just come over?
Lizzie: And have to deal with her? No thanks
Jimmy: Please
Lizzie: why
Jimmy: For the final time Lizzie, she showed up to our house with out telling us and demanded me that I told you to come over so she could talk to you. I don't know why, but I know she wants to talk
Lizzie: ugh...fineeeee
Jimmy: You made it a lot more difficult then it had to been but thank youuuu!!!
Lizzie: You're welcomeeeee
Jimmy: Be here by 11:00 am
Lizzie: Why? That's in two hours
Jimmy: Just please
Lizzie: fine
Stopped texting

Lizzie put down her phone and sighed I hate Edith... I hate Edith... I hate Edith...but here I am...about to go see her...I hate Edith Lizzie stopped thinking about murdering Edith so she could walk over to Joel, "So babe..."
"Yeah?" Joel asked.
"You know how you love me so much?" Lizzie told him with puppy eyes.
"We have to go over too Jimmy and Scott's," She smiled.
"My mother wants to talk too me..."
"Why is she at your brothers?" Joel questioned a little concerned.
Lizzie sighed, "Don't know."
"I asked the same question."

Joel raised an eyebrow at his wife wondering how she gets into these situations. He handed her a 'sunny side up' and a fork. She smiled and walked to the table as she ate her breakfast with her dear husband.

Luckily, they still had an hour and a half until they had to go to Rivendell. So they had time to get themselves together for the most horrific conversation they will have to have. But it takes about half an hour to get to Rivendell so they basically had an hour. Joel decided to start too organize a basket that has been driving in crazy all month while Lizzie called Katherine about 'stuff'.
Before they knew it, it was 10:25, "I guess we should get going," Joel told.
"Ughhhh!! Fineeee," Lizzie complained.

Joel couldn't help but laugh at his wife, "Hey! Don't laugh at me! I'm pregnant! I can't control the way I think!"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
Lizzie smiled as she skipped off into the car. Both Joel and Lizzie were dreading this, but they had to do it. Like mature adults.

They drove off to Rivendell, they weren't sure what to expect but they were somewhat prepared. Joel parked the car into the driveway, "Ready?"
Lizzie sighed, "Sure."
Lizzie and Joel walked up to the door. And rang the bell. To their surprise, a pleasant surprise, David opened the door, "Hi Dad!"

David pulled her into a tight hug. Then Lizzie thought it would be a good ideas of telling him now then later, she whispered into his ear, "I'm pregnant-"

David pulled from the hug to see her, he was a surprised expression on his face but also curious about something, "This time it's ours."
Her father smiled from ear to ear and pulled her back into a hug, "I won't tell your mother, don't worry."

She pulled away from the hug only to see Jimmy, standing there somewhat afraid, "Hey Liz..."
Lizzie and Joel walked into house so David could close the door, "Edith."
"So I see you aren't pregnant anymore. And I'm pretty positive you had the baby."
So that's why she's here, cause she didn't see Alisa birth, "You would have made the birth difficult, I didn't want you there."
"But you wanted your father."

Lizzie looked around looking for Alisa, making sure she was safe. But Scott nor Alisa was anywhere to be found, "That is correct."
Joel moved in front of Lizzie, protecting her, "You have no right to show up uninvited and make my beautiful wife have to see your face and then you decide to yell at her?! If you do not treat us or anyone else in this house with respect, we are leaving, possibly applying a restraining order," the sound of Joel's voice made Edith shut up.
"I just want to see it," Edith said timidly
Lizzie looked at Jimmy, "It's not my choice.

Jimmy walked out of the room for a second, but quickly walked backed in, "We will let you see her, but don't expect us to let you hold her."
Edith nodded but smiled hearing that her grand baby is a girl.
Scott walked into the room with what looked like a sack of potatoes under a blanket. Scott then moved the blanket revealing a giggly baby, "Found you!" Scott told her causing more giggles to escape her mouth. Lizzie just assumed that was how he was keeping her entertained.

Lisa saw Jimmy and reached out her cubby arms so he could hold her. Jimmy quickly grabbed her.
"What's her name?"
"Alisa Davina (last name), Lisa for short"
"Davina..." Edith looked at David, "I like it."
Edith smiled at her granddaughter, but began to slightly cry.
Lizzie looked confused, "Is everything alright, Edith?"

Edith looked at her, "I shouldn't have ever left you, you were only three... and I expected you to take care of a one year old. I didn't know why I left, but I missed you and Jimmy whole life. I am so sorry Jimmy that I made you fell that you couldn't show Alisa to me until now. And Elizabeth...Lizzie... everything I said or did to you when you were younger was to protect you, it was shameful to be the people who we are (fish people). We were called monsters, people wouldn't even come close to the ocean with us. But no one knew that you two were born, so if we left, we could keep you safe." At the point of Edith finishing her story, she was already sobbing.

Lizzie hated Edith for everything she did, but she loved her mother. Lizzie didn't think that she would do this, but she ran to her and hugged her tighter then she had ever hugged anyone, "I love Mom..."
Hearing Lizzie call her mom made her so many tears from her eyes, "I love you so much my beautiful babies."

Jimmy was already crying, he handed Lisa to Scott and ran to hug his family, "I missed you so much."
Edith looked up at Jimmy, held his face with her hands, and hugged him.
David couldn't last any longer and ran to his wife and two children.
"Is now a good time to tell you I'm pregnant mom?"

Edith just cried more tears and held Lizzie close. But behind her daughter she could see her son-in-law, smiling. She carefully let go of her daughter and walked over to Joel who was standing next to Scott, "Thank you so much for protecting my children, giving them a home, and a place to find love."

She looked at her children, "We must get going, if we are here any longer we would be putting your lives in danger. Hope to see you soon."
And with that, Edith and David left. Lizzie was shocked with what happened, her mother apologized. She looked at her brother and smiled," I love you guys so much!! But we have to go."
"Okay... we love you too." Jimmy said timidly.
"Maybe now would be a good time to tell you that there with be a surprise reunion! All the parents of the rulers are going to come, so your parents could come if they would like to," Scott said.
"Omg that will be so fun!!"
"Glad you think so."
"See you guys later?"
"See you."
Lizzie and Joel walked out of the home into their car.

After a long drive home to the ocean empire, they decided to get some sleep. Lizzie felt a lot better knowing she made up with her mom.

Authors note:
I was literally about to cry writing this!
(Yet again I am extremely sorry this came out sooooo late)
I really like this chapter.
And get ready for the reunion!
I feel like Scott and Jimmy aren't that big of characters so you will definitely be seeing more of them.
Hoped you liked this chapter
Have an amazing day
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