However, they were interrupted again by a big sound of the door was slapped open. Sanji was so done with this, he even broke his pen to show his anger. Could everyone just let him do his job without interruption? But then Sanji decided to take a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

A dark-skinned man who was leaning on the wooden door was seriously hurt as blood and bruises were covered all around his body. Besides, he must have lost a lot of blood because the man was obviously having a high fever from lost blood or because of his infected wound. He then slowly dragged himself over to the nearest table and sat down.

"Bring me some food, anything to eat. This place is a restaurant, right?" The man spoke

Patty once again walked over and headed toward the man's table, clapping his hands together with an awkward smile which he always used to greet his customers.

"Hello, you miserable bastard. I apologize but I must ask. Do you have any money to pay?"

The man suddenly took out the gun clumsily and pointed it toward Patty's head.

"Do you guys accept copper candy?" He smirked.

"So I assume you can't pay then."

Patty then changed his expression, and suddenly smashed the anonymous man's head down on the ground with full force, along with the poor table which he was sitting at. The man then groaned not just because of his wounds, but also because of his hunger. However, he didn't receive any sympathy from the muscular chef, but Patty even kicked him out of the restaurant.

Sanji had been watching the full interaction between them with a neutral face, like it was an usual thing in this restaurant. But then the blond cook walked away with a note full of the crew's order which was written by Nami because she was so done with waiting for their food, and Luffy had nearly reached his limit. The captain was even trying to eat the table.

Not long after, their food had finally been served. Luffy's crew then quickly dug in in order to satisfy their hunger and didn't care about anyone or anything. Not even when the old blond chef with a long hat came out and lectured Patty about his action, and he would put it on the muscular man's paycheck.

Sanji then walked out of the restaurant, but this time a plate of food in his hands, and of course it didn't escape Zeff's notice. He then put the plate down in front of the dying man, not noticing that someone else was watching them from above.

"Come on, eat up" Sanji said while slowly taking a seat beside the man and lighting his cigarette.

The man was looking at the delicious food in front of him, while drooling. But because of his pride, the man quickly turned his eyes away from the plate.

"I do not accept charity, take it away!" he said with difficulty.

"It's not charity, dumbass. To me, anyone that is coming to this restaurant or is hungry is my customer. Pride sure can take you far in this world, but it will never make your stomach full. Don't you want to see another day?" Sanji said while looking at the man.

The man's eyes widened considerably, as if he was just being lightened by Sanji. He then promptly took the plate and shoveled the food into his mouth greedily. The more he ate, the more tears flowed down from his eyes. The sounds of eating and sobbing were then mixed together. Sanji could only sit there, watching the man eat while smoking.

"I....I don't know what to say *sniff*....this is.....this is so delicious.....*sniff*..... I thought I was going to die.......*sniff*....... I really thought I was a goner..." The man said while getting emotional, but his hands didn't stop putting food into his mouth.

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