Chapter Eight (Final Chapter)

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Norman's POV

We walk back to the room we kept Bud and Pearl in. George looks like he might need some time to himself, but we need to check on (Y/N). They might've gotten her when we weren't looking. They might be getting her right now, for all I know!

And she's gone.

Pearl is staring down the hallway. Her eyes trained on the darkness leading down one of the turns.

"Did she go down there?" Leonard asks the bird. All she does is nod. Whichever one she saw, it scared the feathers off her.

"Where's Rick?" I ask George.

"I dunno, he said he was gonna check if his oven was burning," George replies. Leonard turns his head to look at us.

"We can't even make pipe bombs, George, we can't cook."

"Well, sorRY I don't know some valuable information."

I walk out of the room. Down the hall. I go down some stairs. I take an elevator down. I grab a flashlight. Run down another two hallways, a flight of stairs even further below the studio, and I'm here.

The Unfriendly Neighborhood.

"Bud? Buuuud? Where are you?" I call out. I don't really care if I attract any of them.

"She's gone."

"Go home, Norman."

"Go home..."

I look around for the voices. Somewhere. Where are they?

"What did you do?!" I yell.

I see a me, another me, and a Lillianna. All of them are battered, like they've just fallen down a cliff and survived somehow.

"She's gone," one me says.

"Too late," the Lillianna says.

"You can't get her back..." the other me says.

I glare at them, their lack of eyes looking back. Mocking me. Mocking her.

"What did you do?" I ask.


"Okaayyy, everyone calm down."

Clank. Cling.

I look around the room. A group of pipes are vibrating. I watch the one with the lump in it coming closer. And Ricky appears from the pipe right above us.

I stare at Ricky. Why is he here? Why didn't he help (Y/N) get away? Where is (Y/N)?

"Obviously, I have some explaining to do," he says. He turns to me. "Their leader and I made an agreement, since they keep trying to eat us and we keep killing them."

I flash back to the Lillianna and Junebug in the playground. Their lack of eyes. And the actual bodies of my friends hanging high above them. Thank goodness Bud didn't see.

"We didn't have anything much, other than (Y/N), and they wanted a human to keep them full, so..."

"You let them eat our friend," I say.

"Well, that's a blunt way of saying it, but yeah."

I cover my mouth. I'm going to be sick. Ricky just looks at me, glances at the three puppets, and goes back to me.

"How about you go home? We don't want you getting hurt now, do we?" Ricky says.

I look up at the puppet, almost to tears, and turn back. Something feels like it snapped inside me. I clench my fist and walk back up the stairs and go home.

1 year later...

I park in front of the tall building and open the van's door. I check for my keys and walk to the entrance.

"Okay, one broadcast antenna, coming right up," I mutter.

Just before I even touch the door, a clanging sounds behind me.

"Now kids, let's learn our ABCs!"


Word Count: 586

It isn't a fuck you, it's just a "fuck this shit".

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