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Basically based off that one image of Cody laying in the grass and Noah standing over him and saying "You know you're late to class, right?"


Cody enjoyed the sun rays, in his local school field. Stupid decision, yeah. But he was enjoying himself. For once it was nice enough out to just lie in the grass and enjoy his surroundings. Cody didn't care for school, as per usual. Senior year was a stress that he was NOT enjoying. He didn't even really want to go to college anyway.

College just sounded like another few years of misery. He didn't need college. All he needs is his keyboard, some cool dudes to be friends with, and a kickass boy band.

Oh and maybe a girlfriend.. or even a boyfriend. At this rate, the guy will take what he can get. Maybe if he became successful his parents would pay attention more. Or maybe he could be so successful he wouldn't need his parents. He wouldn't think about the past. Only the future.

For being a therapist, Cody's mom was definitely not a good listener. I mean, she wasn't the worst. Cody could live with a few forgotten birthdays, but now all his mom would talk to him about is college.

If she'd listen more, she'd know he didn't even want to go! But even if she did know that, it probably wouldn't end well.

Worse thing is, his parents want him to go to the college his dad teaches at, that's so awkward! Imagine your dad being your professor. Uck, that'd be heaven for the college assholes.

He couldn't imagine another year of torture, he didn't want to either.

Deep in thought, Cody opens his eyes to see a boy hovering over him with a raised eyebrow.

A classmate, a friend, perhaps a crush.

Most importantly a familiar face, a nice one, well, one that's nice to look at. Cody smiled at the boy: Noah.

Noah rolled his eyes, "You know you're late to class, right?"

Cody let a blush creep onto his face, locking eyes with Noah. He shrugged, "Who said I was going?"

Noah rolled his eyes once again, sitting next to Cody in the grass. "Why are you out here anyway?" Noah asked, Cody shrugged.

"It's a nice day, nice air. Not too cold, not overwhelmingly hot. It's perfect." Noah smiled, laying next Cody.

Cody grinned, locking hands with Noah, slowly intertwining their fingers.

Now this was perfect.

The perfect moment, the perfect mood, the perfect weather, the perfect feeling in his heart, if only he could freeze time at this moment.

But time goes on, and there will be better moments in life.

So time goes on, as his mother always said; If we could pause time, we would never get to experience the best moments in life.

Just kidding, she never said that. Something she has said, at least two times, the future is now, and the now is the future.

She's a strange person.

Though I think everyone should cherish the nice things in life, life goes on. And there will be even more happiness later on.

Cody knew that, but would something this perfect really ever happen again?

AUTHORS NOTE: i took medicine and it made me so tired so another short one!! i'm working on one that's gonna be a lot longer 🤫🤫

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